

Frequently Asked Questions

I Received a Citation for No Valid Permit/Proof of Payment

No Valid Proof of Payment: 

There is no free parking anywhere on the Burnaby campus, regardless of length of stay. All parking is paid parking, via permit, paystation, or app. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have valid paid parking for the duration of the time you are parked. 

The citation was issued as there was no record of payment in the system at the time the enforcement devices checked. 

No Valid Permit: 

The citation was issued as you were parked in an area that is restricted, reserved for specific permit holders only. "Permit Only" signed areas do not allow for hourly/daily or FlexPass parking, and Indoor/Outdoor permits are only valid in the area outside of peak hours. 

I paid for parking, why did I still get a ticket?

If you were parked in a daily/visitor area, and received a citation for No Valid Proof of Payment, the citation may have been issued for one of the following reasons:

  • Payment for Incorrect Zone: Each Lot is zone specific and is not transferrable. Ie. If you paid for the day in South Lot (Zone 9353), it will not show as valid in East Lot (Zone 9352). 
  • Parked in Invalid Area with FlexPass: The FlexPass is valid in the North Lot, East Lot, South Lot, South Parkade, West Parkade, and Residence West Lot. It is not valid in any other permit or daily parking area, eg. Central Parkade. 
  • Permit Not Valid: During regular hours, your permit is only valid in the lots it is authorized for. Ie. the Outdoor Permit is only valid in the North, East, South, and Residence West Lots. It is not valid in all "outdoor" areas such as the West Parkade roof, or the Contractor Lot. 
  • Incorrect License Plate Information: The license plate of the vehicle does not match the license plate of the payment. Note that if you are using the Honk app/web system, you can update any incorrectly entered license plates within 10 minutes of the session start. 
  • Plate Registered with an O: There are no Os in any standard BC license plate, all Os are actually zeros.
  • Communication Delay: There was a communication delay, and the citation was issued in error - if this is the case, the citation can be cancelled. Please email parking@sfu.ca  

I received a citation for being Parked in an Reserved/Accessible Stall

Parked in a Reserved Accessible Stall: 

Any vehicle parked in a designated accessible stall must display a valid SPARC card. Visitors must pay for hourly/daily parking in addition to displaying the SPARC card. Permit holders may use a non-reserved accessible stall in any area where their permit is valid, so long as the SPARC card is displayed. 

Parked in a Reserved/Reserved Accessible Stall: 

These stalls are reserved 24 hours a day for assigned permit holders only. They is no hourly/daily or general permit parking in those spaces. 

I received a citation for being Parked in Fire Lane/No Parking Zone

Parked in Fire Lane: 

The majority of access roads on the Burnaby campus are considered Fire Lanes, and must be kept clear at all times for emergency access. There is no roadway parking other than when specifically signed as such.  

Parked in No Parking/Stopping Zone: 

The citation was issued as the vehicle was parked in a drive aisle, turn lane, or an area marked as no stopping. Parking on the Burnaby campus is only permitted in marked parking stalls. Stalls can be designated by painted lines, signs, or concrete curb stops.

I want to Appeal my Citation

Appeals may be submitted online: 

Appeals which are a first offence, were issued in error, or have other valid reasons for dispite may be appealled online here: 

Invalid Reasons for Appeal: 

The following reasons are generally not accepted as valid grounds for an appeal: 

  • I was late for class/an exam, so I didn't have time to pay for parking
  • I just stopped for a few minutes to drop something off/run to the bathroom/run an errand
  • I thought parking was free during exams/semester break/reading break etc. 
  • I didn't know where my permit was valid
  • I didn't see the sign

My Dispute was Denied

Formal Appeals: 

Disputes which have been denied may further appeal once the outstanding citation(s) have been paid in full. 

Formal appeals are first reviewed by the Director, PSMS or their designate. If further denied, it will be submitted to the Parking Appeals Review Committee for their decision. The PARC committee typically meets once every 1-2 months for review.  

Formal Appeal Form Here