

Accessible Parking


Visitor disability accessible parking stalls are available in the majority of parking areas on the Burnaby campus. A valid SPARC card must be displayed, and there must be valid hourly/daily parking or a valid permit for the lot. 

There is no daily parking in any stall that is marked as Reserved. 

Student Accessible Parking

Students with a SPARC card who require ongoing parking accommodations can contact parking@sfu.ca directly to request a reserved accessible stall. 

Students who do not have a SPARC card, or who otherwise require special or temporary parking accommodations should first contact the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)


Faculty/Staff who require temporary or ongoing accessible parking accommodations should contact the Organizational Health Office.

Note that Parking & Sustainable Mobility Services does not handle any medical information. 

Organizational Health Office