

Findings and Reports

Since 2021 when 間眅埶AV's medical program was first conceived, the University has conducted a number of engagement sessions. 間眅埶AVs Morris J. Wosk Centre For Dialogue conducted the initial engagement and information sessions where students, faculty and staff asked questions and offered input to inform early planning and guide subsequent engagement. More recently, a dialogue with community groups was held. As the 間眅埶AV School of Medicine holds future engagements, new learnings and reports will be posted on this page.  

2024 Community Engagement Findings

An overview of learnings from community engagement sessions held in Surrey, Abbotsford and Hope in May and June.

2023 What We Heard Report 

The 2023 report explores how the 間眅埶AV community can benefit from and be involved with the new medical school.

2021 What We Heard Report 

The 2021 report is the first documentation of the internal 間眅埶AV communitys initial ideas for 間眅埶AVs proposed medical program.

What We've Heard

A medical school built by the community, for the community

Ask the communities about their vision for primary care and follow their priorities.

My hope is that it will not only improve the health of British Columbians but will also set a standard to be followed not only within Canada but worldwide.

I wish to be a student at the school, hoping to be one of the first graduates of the school. I then want to actually carry out the goal of serving rural communities ESPECIALLY Indigenous ones. Ill even sign a 10-year contract that says I can only work rural to ensure my admission into the school. I will do whatever it takes to get a seat.

We need every course to have Indigenous content. We need to raise the bar.