
Week 4

What an awesome week!

In English, the classes worked on journaling, personal planning, and responsibility.

Wendy Law joined us to teach math for our final week. The kids had a great time learning.

More great food, laughs, lessons, lectures, sports, workshops, and cultural activities! Another amazing week!

Day 15 – Monday – Engineering with Daniela Abasi

Donya, Karina, Kabr, Farbod and Gordon led the groups as they built and coded their Arduino boards with sequenced flashing lights. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform. Check out the video in the photos section. Daniela would be happy to nurture your interest in Applied Sciences à find her here  

Day 16 – Tuesday – Rec Day!

Everyone loves Rec! Today we had a blast playing Four-corners, California kick-ball, and Molecules. Steven and Ivy led the group.

Day 17 – Wednesday - Weaving

Jessica Johnson from the Metis Nation came and taught us how to finger weave. Everyone enjoyed learning about this traditional Metis craft and the many practical uses for a sash. We all got the chance to practice our skill and make a small artifact to take home.

Day 18 -Thursday – Cultural Connections

Clay Little (ISC) and Karen Matthews (OAP) joined us as we made drumsticks – A special and BIG thank-you to Karen for all her leather sewing – you saved us time and injury 😊

Sheryl led a drum teaching and we smudged our drums to life under the shade of nearby tree.

Clay taught us the Cedar Tree Song for tomorrows closing ceremony. Here are 2 examples on YouTube  so you can practice it and

Day 19 – Closing Ceremony

What an honour it has been to meet and get to know everyone this month. You are truly a great bunch of people with talent, intelligence, and unlimited potential. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing and let us know if there is anything we can do to support your journey.

I look forward to your emails and updates.

A bittersweet day. As we close the book on these past five years, I am grateful for the opportunities and the connections this camp has provided. It is especially encouraging to have met and worked with over 125 inspired, Indigenous youth who value their futures and are striving to build the skills they need to be tomorrows leaders. I am grateful for the lessons you have shared with me.

A special thank-you to the Bannock Queen, Teresa Mark for providing us with her award-winning bannock! It was the perfect addition to our wonderful closing feast.

Until our paths cross again ….

Week 4 Photos