
Week 3

What an awesome week!

In English, Carley’s class made several visits to the library sourcing out original inspirations to current stories. Everyone is in awe of the size of the building (seven floors), the sheer number of books, and the spectacular views from the top! Ashley Edwards and her colleagues at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s library are the BEST!

Jordan and his team of volunteers continue to engage and challenge students while having fun in Math. Every day I am challenged by one of the youth to solve a puzzle.

You try one -  What comes next in the following sequence: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, …….?

Have a great time in Texas Jordon! You are one of the most inspirational teachers I have ever had the honour of watching work. Your students are very lucky to have had this opportunity. 😊

Good food, laughs, lectures, sports, workshops, and cultural activities! Another amazing week!

Day 10 – Monday - Stats Workshop

The Stats department really knows how to turn-out! Harsha Perera assembled a dream-team of support.

Tom Loughin was the opening act – have you ever considered the Faculty Smackdown Tom? Followed by Tim Swartz’s breakdown of the value of stats - including the top 10 jobs – no surprise statisticians figure in most of them. Jack Davies’ presentations of useful tools that everyone can use to help them understand stats and probability – Gapminder was a big hit! Check it out -  .

All this was followed by hands on activities where Marie Loughin, Lucas Wu, Pulindu Rathnasekara, Lasantha Premarathna, and Charith Karunarathna led the kids through normal distribution, random sampling, and the Monty Hall Problem. Try it yourself Great example of team work people!

The youth were engaged, interested, and entertained! Their grasp of stats was impressive and they asked smart and thoughtful questions.

Day 11 - Tuesday Rec Day!!

Basketball followed by swimming – the perfect mix. Rose, I have it on good authority you have ninja listening skills and you don’t miss anything! Steven, you were great –you are a lot of fun and very outgoing! Everyone had a great time with you today.

Day 12 – Wednesday -  Betty Wilson

Today we had the honour of welcoming Betty Wilson to our classroom. A respected elder, master weaver, fluent Tla'amin speaker, and lifelong educator, she shared many stories and lessons with the class. She even brought the first basket she ever made! It is beautiful. She dedicates her retirement to preserving culture, language, and traditional weaving patterns. It was an honour having you in our class.

Day 13 -Thursday – UBC fieldtrip!

What a fantastic day!

We started with an early morning bus ride out to the Museum of Anthropology where we saw examples of European ceramics and displays of West Coast culture and traditions. There is never enough time to see it all but remember, Indigenous peoples do not pay to enter the museum. Just identify yourself at the desk

We were treated to a fantastic picnic lunch by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. Thank-you Melania, Ruth, and PIMS!! As always, your support and promotion of STEMS for Indigenous students is changing lives! Check them out

We ended our day at TRIMUF where we toured the particle accelerator centre and we got to learn about several projects. Thanks to Jill Seeley, Jesse Abney, Wenbin Liu, and Stewart Shepherd for all the anecdotes, information, and stickers!!! They are well worth a visit

Day 14 – Friday

Another wonderful workshop facilitated by Hannah Celinski and Bethani. The youth had fun learning to mirror each other and got real competing for best teamwork! Well done Kathy, Denae, Fabian, Jayden, and Lyn 😊

We say goodbye to Math teacher extraordinaire, Jordan Forseth. Keep cool J-Dog. You have been a positive and encouraging influence in the student’s academic journey. It’s been an honour working with you.

Time sure flies …. Only one week to go! It will be our best yet!

Week 3 Photos