
Program & Schedule



Session 1: 10AM - 11AM  
Elisa Peterson Transforming Our Living Past: Learning Together Through the Body Narrative
Denise Findlay Gathering Our Medicine – The Ethics of Healing
Tanya Behrisch and Kari Gustafson Walking together as collaborative research, thinking, playing
Renata Cueto de Souza How Can I Find Meaning in my Educational Experience?
Session 2: 11AM - 12PM  
Tanya Behrisch Opening while failing: Oil painting as anti-masterful practice of research and unlearning.
Youth Alliance for Intersectional Justice Carolyn Tinglin, Natasha, Jayden Seamans, Khaleel Benoit (Un)Schooling: Living and Schooling at the intersection of race and dis/ability
Sarita Baker Art as a visioning tool to create pathways of resistance and re-imagining research, through a lens of A/r/tography
Livia Poljak Belonging In While Looking Out: Identity and Accent among French Immersion Students