
The Learning Together unConference (LTuC) is an annual event organized by 間眅埶AV graduate students and faculty. LTuC showcases scholarship in a variety of educational topics, promotes graduate student research in Education and offers opportunities for presentations, workshops, and networking with peers. The topics of conference sessions can be as diverse as the communities that comprise our Faculty of Education.

2022 unConference Theme:
Decolonial Futures

For this years LTC conference theme, we are looking for opportune spaces for the intellectual exchange and presentation of innovative research and writings, such events can also serve as opportunities to apply that which we witness emerging through dialogue. With this years unConference focusing on Decolonial Futures, it is this very potential that we hope to catalyze through shifting how we create space for engagement.

**Due to COVID-19, this session of the conference will take place remotely online on Saturday, March 5, 2022.**

Online Session:

- Saturday, March 5, 10:00 - 12:00 PM PDT 

The event is free of charge.

We encourage diverse presentation formats: oral presentations, posters, video and multimedia, performance, body movement, etc., Propose your idea!!

Pre-recorded presentations are permitted, as long as the presenter(s) join the session to answer questions, and the video/material is prepared exclusively for this conference.
