
The Labour Studies Program grading policy

Labour Studies courses use the following grading scale. The definitions are to help students understand how instructors interpret performance in each grade category.

Letter Grade

Percentage Range

Grade Point





Outstanding performance. Represents work of exceptional quality. Content, organization, and style demonstrate high-level comprehension of the subject. Excellent use of course concepts and readings, where appropriate. Evidence of critical thinking. Demonstrates innovative ideas and shows personal engagement with the topic as required.




Good performance. Represents work of good quality with no major weaknesses. Writing is clear and explicit and topic coverage and comprehension are more than adequate. Shows some degree of critical thinking and personal involvement in the work, as required. Good use of course concepts and readings.




Satisfactory performance. Adequate work. Shows fair comprehension of the subject and knowledge of course readings and concepts, but has some weakness in content, style, and/or organization. Minimal critical awareness or personal involvement in the work.





 1.67     1.00

Marginal performance. Minimally adequate work, barely at a passing level. Serious flaws in content, organization, and/or style. Poor comprehension of the subject, and minimal use of course concepts or readings. Poor understanding of research and existing literature.




Unsatisfactory performance (fail).




Failure due to academic discipline.




Did not complete course.








Withdrawal under extenuating circumstances.


Each instructor will provide information in the course syllabus on penalties for late assignments or work not completed.

The process for appealing grades is described in the policy on . Please note the reconsideration of a grade may result in the grade being raised, lowered or remaining unchanged.

Academic integrity and dishonesty

Academic integrity is taken very seriously at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Examples of forms of Academic Dishonesty prohibited at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV include:

  • submitting or presenting the work of another person as your own without full and appropriate accreditation;

  • copying all or part of an essay or other assignment from an author or other person and presenting the material your original work;

  • cheating during an examinations using concealed information or unauthorized devices, such as mobile phones;

  • submitting as your original work an essay, project, thesis, presentation, other assignment, or examination that was purchased or otherwise acquired from another source such as an online ‘editing’ or ‘tutoring’ website;

  • using an unauthorized editor, whether paid or unpaid;

  • cheating in assignments, projects, examinations, or other forms of evaluation  by using, or attempting to use, another individual’s answers; or,

  • impersonating a candidate or being impersonated in an examination.

Full list of prohibited forms of Academic Dishonesty.

More information on what constitutes academic integrity.

Getting help with writing

If you need help with your writing or with assignments, talk to your instructor. There are also places on campus you can get it:

1. The  has workshops, tutorials and other resources to help with academic writing. It has special help for English as an Additional Language learners. You can  for one-on-one help.

2. The  offers programs for practicing English and  for International Students and those who want to work on their language skills.

3. If you need general academic advising related to writing or language help, there are two options:

  • If you are a first or second year student (less than 60 units completed), you can get help from  (in person or online).

  • If you have completed 60 units or more, you can talk to the Labour Studies Advisor by emailing  saadvise@sfu.ca to make an appointment. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) also has dedicated advising help through Arts Central. You can drop by in person at AQ 3020