Regulating precarious work
Research Articles
- Commoditized Workers: Case Study Research on Labor Law Issues Arising from a Set of On-Demand/Gig Economy Platforms.
Aloisi, A. (2017) Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 37(3), 653-691.
Badgett, M.V.L. (2008) Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 4(4), 29-52.
Brown, C.L. (2010) Feminist Economics, 4(2), 89-95.
- Precarious Employment in the Canadian Labour Market: A Statistical Portrait.
Cranford, C.J., Vosko, L.F., Zukewich, N. (2003) Just Labour, 3, 6-22.
- What Does the Gig Economy Mean for Workers?
Donovan, S.S., Bradley, D.H., Shimabukuru, J.O. (2016) Congressional Research Service, CRS Report R44365.
Goldring, L., Landolt, P. (2011) Globalizations Journal, 8(3), 325-341.
Kalleberg, A. L. (2009) American Sociological Review, 74(1), 1-22.
Kuhn, K.M. (2016) Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(1), 157-162.
Man, G. (2004) Womens Studies International Forum, 27(2), 135-148.
- Part-time, Poorly paid, Unprotected: Experiences of Precarious Work in Retail, Food Service, and Hospitality in Victoria, B.C.
(2016) The Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group, 1-29.
- The Rise of the Just-in-Time Workforce: On-Demand Work, Crowd Work and Labour Protection in the Gig-Economy.
Stefano, V.D. (2016) Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Forthcoming,Research Paper No. 2682602, 1-51.
Stewart, A., Standford, J. (2017) The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 28(3), 420-437.
Waite, S., Denier, N. (2015) Gender and Society, 29(4), 561-588.
Waite, S., Denier, N. (2016) Canadian Review of Sociology, 53(2), 143-175.
Newspaper Articles
Butler, S. (2017, Nov 20) The Guardian.
Think Tank / Bank Reports
- Job One is Jobs: Workers Need Better Policy Support and Stronger Skills.
Alexander, C. (2016) C.D. Howe Institute, 1-12.
- The Gender of Precarious Employment in Canada.
Cranford, C.J., Vosko, L.F., & Zukewich, N. (2003) Industrial relations, 58(3), 454-482.
Cross, J.S., Jones, A. (2017)
- Final Report of the Precarious Work Group.
(2015) Peace and Justice Grey Bruce, 1-33.
- When Working is not Enough to Escape Poverty: An Analysis of Canadas Working Poor.
Fleury, D., & Fortin, M. (2006) Human Resources and Social Development Canada, 1-172. - Poverty and Inequality Among British Columbias Seniors.
Ivanova, I., Daub, S., Cohen, M., & Jenkins, J. (2017) Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1-56. - Equal Worth: Designing Effective Pay Equity Laws for Alberta.
Lahey, K.A. (2016) Parkland Institute, 1-52. - The Alberta Disadvantage: Gender, Taxation, and Income Inequality.
Lahey, K.A. (2015) Parkland Institute, 1-112. - Precarious: Temporary Agency Work in British Columbia.
Longhurst, A. (2014) Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1-44.
- Working Precariously: The impact of race and immigrants status on employment opportunities and outcomes in Canada.
Teelucksingh, C., & Galabuzi, G.E. (2005) The Canadian Race Relations Foundation, 1-39.
United States / International
Research Articles
- Working in Residential Aged Care: A Trans-Tasman comparison.
Kaine, S., Ravenswood, K. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 33-46. - The living wage: an idea whose time has come.
Littman, D. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 70-77. - The human rights framework and equal pay for low paid female carers in New Zealand.
McGregor, J. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 4-16. - Precarious work and a living wage in our communities.
Newman, A. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 64-69. - Estimating the Cost of Youth Disengagement in New Zealand.
Pacheco, G., Dye, J. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 47-63. - In support of a New Zealand living wage: reflections on Danish working poor trends and issues.
Rasmussen, E., Lind, J. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 17-32. - Review Essay: Inequality and the Living Wage.
Skilling, P. (2013) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38(2), 78-81.
Think Tank / Bank Reports
- Precarious Positions: Policy Options to Mitigate Risks in Non-standard Employment.
Busby, C., & Muthukumaran, R. (2016) C.D. Howe Institute, 1-24.
Frenette, M., & Morissette, R. (2005) The International Migration Review, 39(1), 228-257.
- The Long Journey Home: The Contested Exclusion and Inclusion of Domestic Workers from Federal Wage and Hour Protections in the United States.
Goldberg, H. (2015) International Labour Organization, 1-45.
- Policies and Regulations to Combat Precarious Employment.
International Labour Organization, 1-51.