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Dr. Evelyn Encalada Grez Earns CERi Emerging Community-Engaged Researcher Award

March 03, 2023

Congratulations to Sociology Professor Evelyn Encalada Grez, the recipient of CERi Emerging Community-Engaged Researcher Award!

The community-engaged research being recognized demonstrates alignment with CERi’s principles of participation, cooperation, social transformation, and knowledge translation.

Her recent community-engaged project, "The Myth of Canada: The Exclusion of Internationally Trained Physicians", emerged from a social media campaign - "Trained to Save Lives." The research explores the experiences of internationally trained doctors and their access to medical licensure. Furthermore, it examines the impacts of exclusionary licensing policies on their mental health and professional identities.

In addition, Evelyn is appointed to be the Researcher-in-Residence for CERi for the Spring 2023 term. The Researchers-in-Residence program aims to facilitate opportunities for faculty to conduct research that strives to be community-focused, participatory, action-oriented and of practical relevance to the community. It is community-driven and promotes community self-determination and reciprocity. The research process focuses on building trust, shared interests and communication between researchers and community members.
