
Jim Iker

Jim Iker is a teacher and the past president of the BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF).  He has an honours degree in Sociology at McMaster University, and a Bachelor of Education degree at Dalhousie University.  Since 1977, Jim has worked as a teacher in nearly every elementary grade including Kindergarten.  He also was a teacher counselor, learning assistance, and special education teacher.

He got involved in the Burns Lake District Teachers' Union in his first year of teaching.  As chief negotiator Jim's local bargaining team negotiated their first 3 local contracts between 1988 and 1993.  He was also a member of the first provincial bargaining committee in 1995 and subsequent teams in 1998, 2006, 2011 and 2013.  Jim was chief negotiator for the 2011 and 2013 teams.

Jim was first elected to the BCTF Executive committee in 2002 as a member-at-large and served for 5 years before being elected BCTF Vice President and then President.  He continues working as a teacher, 40 years now, in School District#91(Nechako Lakes) as well as facilitating school union rep training workshops for BCTF.