
Work Opportunities

The Language and Brain Lab (LABlab) welcomes research volunteers and assistants to be involved in lab activities and research.   

A. Your Opportunities

As a research volunteer, you will have opportunities to be involved in various research projects (for a list of our current projects, please visit: Volunteers are often assigned to one or several project groups where they will be trained to learn various experimental techniques and the research process.  For continuing volunteers, there may also be a chance to be hired as research assistants, depending on performance, contribution, need, and funding availability. 

B. Requirements

We expect research volunteers to -  

  1. be committed to a workload of 5 hours a week for a minimum of three consecutive semesters,
  2. attend weekly (1-hour) lab meetings,
  3. attend project group meetings, and
  4. meet the deadlines for assignments.

C. Qualifications

  1. University-level student (completed Ling 220);
  2. Relevant background (e.g., linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, computing science, neuroscience, statistics, etc.)

D. Application

For application, please send use this . (Application forms will become available once the application period for the upcoming semester opens. Thank you!)

E. Interview and Lab Visit

After you submit the application, the lab director will contact you if an interview is to be arranged. You will also have a chance to visit the lab, meet our wonderful members, and/or join one of our lab meetings. You are also highly encouraged to explore our website: