

Speech Perception and Production

The LAB contains two audiometric booths (Eckel) designated for speech perception testing, and audio/video recording of speech production.


The LAB is equipped with a 128-channel EEG system (EGI) for studying event-related brain potentials (ERP) associated with the processing and learning of language in both adults and children.


Through collaboration and local affiliation, we also have access to fMRI, MEG, and Eye-tracking facilities.


  • Speech perception: Paradigm, SuperLab, E-prime (v.2, Psychology Software Tools);
  • Audio/video acquisition & analysis: Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, Audacity, Cubase, Soundforge, Praat, Wavesurfer;
  • Data analysis: R, SPSS, Matlab, SPM, Netstation, BESA;
  • Bibliographies/database: Endnote, Filemaker (in collaboration with the Speech Lab at NTNU, Norway);