
Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Leung, K., & Wang. (2018). The relation between production and perception of Mandarin tone. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1721. PDF

Tupper, P., Leung, K. K., Wang, Y., Jongman, A. and Sereno, J. A. (2018). Identifying the distinctive acoustic cues of Mandarin tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America144(3), 1725-1725. PDF

Sereno, J. A., Jongman, A., Wang, Y., Hamarneh, G., Tang, L., Garg, S., Tupper, P., McMurray, B., Redmon, C., Zeng, Y., Leung., K. K. W., Cho, S. and Hannah, B. (2018). Linking production and perception of clear speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America144(3), 1725-1725.

Tupper, P., Jian, J., Leung, K., and Wang, Y. (2018). Game theoretic models of clear versus plain speech. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1133-1138. PDF

Zeng, Y., Leung, K. K. W., Wang, Y., Jongman, A. and Sereno, J. A. (2017). Audio-visual perception of mandarin tone in clear speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America142(4), 2727-2727.

Cho, S., Jongman, A., Wang, Y., Sereno, J. (2017). Effects of clear speech and language background on multimodal perception of English fricatives. Poster presented at the 17th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America: New Orleans, LA, USA. Poster PDF

Leung, K. K. W., Redmon, C., Wang, Y., Jongman, A., and Sereno, J.A. (2016). Cross-linguistic perception of clearly spoken English tense and lax vowels based on auditory, visual, and auditory-visual information. Poster presented at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan: Honolulu, HI, USA. Poster PDF

Hannah, B., Wang, Y., Jongman, A., Sereno, J. (2016). Cross-modal association between auditory and visual-spatial information in Mandarin tone perception. Poster presented at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan: Honolulu, HI, USA Poster PDF

Tang, L., Hannah, B., Jongman, A., Sereno, J., Wang, Y., Hamarneh, G. (2015). Examining visible articulatory features in clear and conversational speech. ICPhS 2015, August 10-14, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Download: Paper PDF  Poster PDF

Leung, K.K.W., Jongman, A., Wang, Y., Sereno, J. (2015). Acoustic characteristics of clearly spoken English tense and lax vowels. ICPhS 2015, August 10-14, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Alexander, J., Kiefer, D., and Wang, Y. (2014). The perceptual assimilation model and cross-language classification of lexical tone. 88th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Minneapolis.

Alexander, J. and Wang, Y. (2014). Cross-language identification of non-native lexical tone. 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis.

Eng, K., Hannah, B., Leung, Ki., and Wang, Y. (2014). Effects of auditory, visual and gestural input on the perceptual learning of tones. Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland.

Eng, K., Hannah B., Leung, K and Wang, Y. (2013). Can co-speech hand gestures facilitate learning of non-native tones? 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Montreal.

Fang, S., Li, P. and Wang, Y. (2013). Individual differences in mathematical processing by Chinese-English bilinguals. 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Singapore.

Fang., Li, P. and Wang, Y. (2013). Neural correlates of mathematical processing in bilinguals. 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, San Diego.

Wu, X., Munro, M., and Wang, Y., (2013). L1 and L2 effects on tone perception by tone and non-tone language speakers. New Sounds 2013, Montreal.

Zhang, Y., Cheng, B., Koerner, T., Cao, C., Carney, E., and Wang, Y. (2013). Cortical processing of audiovisual speech perception in infancy and adulthood. 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco.

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2011) The influence of tonal awareness and musical experience on tone word learning. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, August 17-21.

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2011) Effects of linguistic experience and tone training on Cantonese tone word learning. Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference, Hong Kong, August 22-23.

Wang, Y., Cooper, A., Wu, X. and Behne, D. (2011) Effect of semantic context on the perceptual learning of lexical tone. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, August 17-21.

Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Cooper, A. and Dovan, M. (2011) Effects of training on the processing of speech and non-speech tone: An event-related potential study. Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference, Hong Kong, August 22-23.

Cooper, A. and Yue Wang. (2010) Can musical aptitude and experience predict success in non-native tone word learning? 2nd PanAmerican/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, October 15-19. Download Poster PDF

Cooper, A. and Yue Wang. (2010) Cantonese tone word learning by tone and non-tone language speakers. Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, September 26-30. Download Poster PDF

Cooper, A. and Yue Wang. (2010) The role of musical experience in Cantonese lexical tone perception by native speakers of Thai. 5th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Chicago, May 11-14.

Zhang, Y., Angela Cooper and Yue Wang. (2010) Processing of speech and non-speech tonal information by native and nonnative tone language speakers: an event-related electrophysiological study. 2010 Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Victoria, October 13-15.

Cooper, A. and Yue Wang. (2009) Effects of linguistic and musical experience on non-native perception of Thai vowel duration. 2nd Acoustical Society of America Workshop on Speech: Cross-language speech perception and variations in linguistic experience, Portland, May 22-23. Download Poster PDF

Behne, D., Wang, Y. , Belsby, S-O, Kaasa, S., Simonsen, and Back, K. (2008). Visual field advantage in the perception of audiovisual speech segments. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2008 , Tangalooma, Australia. Download Poster PDF

Tu, J., Wu, X. and Wang, Y. (2008). Hemispheric processing of pitch accent in Japanese by native and non-native listeners. 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami. Download Poster PDF

Tu, J., Wu, X. and Wang, Y. (2008). Processing of Japanese pitch accent by native Japanese and English listeners. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Acoustics Association , Vancouver.

Wu, X., Tu, J., and Wang, Y. (2008). Processing of pitch accent in Japanese by native Japanese and Mandarin Chinese listeners. The 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics, Vancouver.

Wang, Y., Dawn Behne, Angela Cooper, and Jung-Yueh Tu. (2008) Domain-specific processing of Mandarin tone. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, May 18-22. Download Poster PDF

Wang, Y., Behne, D., Cooper, A., Jiang, H., Leung, N., and Tu, J. (2008). Effects of training modality on audio-visual perception of place of articulation and voicing in nonnative speech. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Acoustics Association, Vancouver.

Wang, Y ., Behne, D., Cooper, A., Jiang, H., Leung, N. and Tu, J. (2008). Effects of auditory, visual and audio-visual training on nonnative perception of English fricatives. Acoustics 2008, Paris. Download Poster PDF

Wang, Y. (2008). Effects of linguistic experience on audio-visual perception of nonnative fricatives. Oral presentation at the 間眅埶AV Applied Linguistics Symposium on L2 Perception and Production , Vancouver, Canada.

Wang, Y. , Behne, D., Jiang, H., and Feehan, A. (2007). Effect of native language experience on audio-visual perception of English fricatives by Korean and Mandarin natives. International Conference on Audio-visual Speech Processing, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands. Download Poster PDF

Behne, D., Wang, Y. , Alm, M., Arntsen, I., Eg, R., and Valso, A. (2007). Changes in audio-visual speech processing during adulthood. International Conference on Audio-visual Speech Processing, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands.

Behne, D. and Wang, Y. (2006). Audiovisual perception of voicing with age in quiet and cafe noise. The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan , Honolulu.

Wang, Y. , Behne, D., Jiang, H., and Danyluck, C. (2006). Role of linguistic experience on audio-visual perception of English fricatives in quiet and noise backgrounds. The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan , Honolulu. Download Poster PDF

Wang, Y. , Behne, D., Jiang, H., and Danyluck, C. (2006). Native and Nonnative Audio-visual Perception of English Fricatives in Quiet and Caf矇-noise Backgrounds. Interspeech 06 , Pittsburgh. Download Poster PDF

Wang, Y. , Hirsch, J., Sy, M., Lin, L., and Sedora, N. (2005). Phonetic and mathematical processing in native and second language. 1st Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Workshop on Second Language Speech Learning, Vancouver, Canada.

Other Presentations

Vasileva, O. (2014). Development of Language through Shared Intentionality and Categorization. Evolution of Language X Conference, Vienna, Austria.