
The Proposed Comfort Women Peace Statue

5-7 pm, Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Room 2245 (McCarthy Tetrault Lecture Room)
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Vancouver, Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street

Event Descrtipion

As discussions around the proposed commemoration of the Korean comfort women are an opportunity to explore the relations between struggles for justice for women in Asia and in Metro Vancouver and beyond, we hope to expand our current network of individuals interested in finding this statue a permanent home. We see the vital importance of including a broad cross-section of interested and affected women’s organizations and communities, and hope that you will consider joining us for these community consultations.   

The evening features three keynote speakers, Jane Shin (MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed)Heather Evans (Women’s Human Rights Education Institute), and Satoko Norimatsu (Editor, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus), who will speak to the current situation regarding the proposed placement of the statue and the political, legal, and ethical dimensions of this issue from their various perspectives. This will be followed by an open discussion to explore what options might be available and how the process of finding a suitable permanent location for the statue might proceed. Dr. Helen Leung will chair the session and we also hope to screen a trailer for the new film The Apology that will launch in the fall.

The Apology Trailer

Event Photos

Co-sponsored by:
Institute For Transpacific Cultural Research
J. S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities

Organizing Committee: Christine Kim, Helen Leung, John Price