
Steering Committee

Christine Kim (Co-director)

Christine Kim is Associate Professor of English and Associate Member of Gender, Sexuality, and Womens Studies at 間眅埶AV. Her teaching and research focus on Asian North American literature and theory, diaspora studies, and cultural studies. She is the author of The Minor Intimacies of Race (University of Illinois Press, 2016) and co-editor of Cultural Grammars of Nation, Diaspora and Indigeneity (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2012). She has contributed chapters to essay collections on Asian Canadian literature and theatre and published articles in Interventions, Mosaic, Studies in Canadian Literature, and Journal of Intercultural Studies. Her current SSHRC-funded research project examines cultural representations of North Korea and Cold War legacies.

Helen Hok-Sze Leung (Co-director)

is a Professor in the Department of of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at 間眅埶AV. She is the author of Undercurrents: Queer Culture and Postcolonial Hong Kong (UBC Press, 2008) and Farewell My Concubine: A Queer Film Classic (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010). Her articles have been published in numerous edited collections and journals including positions, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Journal of Lesbian Studies, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, and Urban Studies. She is a co-editor of the Queer Asia book series (Hong Kong UP) and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Chinese Cinemas (Routledge), TSQ:Transgender Studies Quarterly (Duke UP), Asian Visual Cultures (Amsterdam UP) and Performance Matters (間眅埶AV). Her current research projects include: Transpacific Film Cities, a SSHRC-funded study of transpacific collaborations amongst minor film cities; Queer Sound On Screen, a study of queer cinema from sonic perspectives; and (co-authored with Audrey Yue) Queer Asia As Method, an exploration of the theoretical impact of queer Asian knowledge production.

John Nguyet Erni

is Fung Hon Chu Endowed Chair of Humanics, Chair Professor in Humanities, and Head of the Department of Humanities & Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University.  He was a recipient of the Rockefeller and Annenberg research fellowships.  He is also an elected Fellow and Member of the Executive of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities.  Erni has published widely on international and Asia-based cultural studies, human rights legal criticism, Chinese consumption of transnational culture, gender and sexuality in media culture, youth popular consumption in Hong Kong and Asia, and critical public health.  His books include (In)visible Colors: Images of Non-Chinese in Hong Kong Cinema A Filmography, 1970s 2010s (with Louis Ho, Cinezin Press, forthcoming in 2016); Visuality, Emotions, and Minority Culture (forthcoming in 2016, Springer); Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong (with Lisa Leung, HKUP, 2014); Cultural Studies of Rights: Critical Articulations (Routledge, 2011); Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology (with Ackbar Abbas, Blackwell, 2005); Asian Media Studies: The Politics of Subjectivities (with Siew Keng Chua, Blackwell, 2005); and Unstable Frontiers: Technomedicine and the Cultural Politics of Curing AIDS (Minnesota, 1994).  Currently, he is completing a book project on the legal modernity of rights.