
Latin America

Faculty with Regional Expertise  

Adjunct Professor, School for International Studies

Latin America and South Asia, international relations and financial development of large emerging powers

Gabriela Aceves-Sepulveda

Associate Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology

Latin American Art and its Diasporas, Media Art History, Feminist Art and Epistemologies, Art and Activism, Digital Humanities

Yildiz Atasoy

Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Global political economy; political sociology; state restructuring; social change and development; political economy of agrifood systems; neoliberal urbanism; genealogies of citizenship; gender relations; Islamic politics; Turkey; comparative perspectives on Latin America.

Nicole Berry

Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences

Global health, gender & reproductive health, maternal/child health, participatory methods

Sumercan Bozkurt-Gungen


Labour studies and comparative political economy in Argentina

Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor

Assistant Professor, School of Resource & Environmental Management

Ocean and coastal social-ecological systems in México

Assistant Professor, Labour Studies

Latin American/Latinx Studies; Labour Migration; Work, Gender, and Sexuality; Race, Immigration, and Citizenship

Professor, Department of Political Science

Race and Racism, Market inequality, Cross sector Collaborations, Black Lives Matter, Geographical Indications, Intellectual Property law, Traditional knowledge

Associate Professor, School for International Studies

Development, Inequality, Political Sociology and Social Movements in Brazil, India and Indonesia

Anil Hira

Professor, Department of Political Science

Latin America, Political Economy, Economic Development, Energy Policy, Technology and Innovation Policy, Industrial Policy

Associate Professor, Department of Archeology

South America, Colonialism, material culture, domestic and vernacular architecture, the role of gender, status and ethnicity in colonial situations

Kathleen Millar

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Latin American studies, research methods, social theory, contemporary ethnography, labour and capitalism

Pablo Nepomnaschy

Professor, MSFHR Scholar, Faculty of Health Science

Human biology, anthropology, human ecology & health, stress & reproductive health in Guatemala

Professor, School for International Studies

Sociology of economic change and development, Canada, Mexico, United States, Emerging Economies; agriculture, food security, health and ecology; development of a Neoliberal-Diet Risk (NDR) index

Stacy Pigg

Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Anthropology of science and medicine; post-colonial science studies; ethnography as method, representation, and genre; anthropology of the body, reproduction, and sexuality; social spaces of global health; critical studies of international development and humanitarianism.

Katherine Reilly

Associate Professor, School of Communication

Latin America, communal data assets, personal identities, cultural patrimony

Simons Research Fellow

prisons and incarceration in Brazil

Tim Takaro

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Health Science

Occupational & environmental health, toxicology, asthma, community-based interventions, health impacts of climate change, planetary health

Habiba Zaman

Professor, Department of Gender,  Sexuality and Women's Studies

Global South and Social Movements, Transnational Migration, Labour Mobility, Immigrants and Settlement in Canada, Race, Gender and Class, South Asia