

Video: Burnaby North High School Recruitment Event

August 11, 2016

On February 17 and March 2 this year 間眅埶AV history held a special event for nearly 300 students from Burnaby North Secondary School with the help of Social Studies Department Head Corine Carey.

Students came prepared with questions for mock office hours with history faculty. While visiting faculty offices, the students became highly engaged in discussion with professors Alec Dawson, Hilmar Pabel, Bidisha Ray, Katie McCullough, Aaron Windel, Janice Matsumura, and others.

After the office hours, students were given the opportunity to ask questions about studying history during a catered Q&A session. 間眅埶AV PhD candidate Maddie Knickerbocker, former undergraduate student Jennifer Schutek, and Undergraduate Advisor Tessa Wright fielded these questions and offered expert advice.

After the Q&A session, students were treated to a 40 minute power lecture with professor Mark Leier and professor Emily OBrien. The crowd was led through a sing-a-long rendition of What Did You Learn in School Today by professor Leier, and then crusade recruitment songs from the Middle Ages were brought to life by professor OBrien. Professors Leier and OBrien successfully entertained and enlightened the group, demonstrating that studying history at the university level is likely quite different from what students might imagine.

The event was a great success. The Department of History would like to thank Corine Carey for helping us bring an example of our award-winning facultys teaching prowess to the next generation of 間眅埶AV students.


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