

Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada: Historicizing Tsilhqot’in

August 13, 2014

PhD Candidate Madeline Knickerbocker's essay "Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada: Historicizing Tsilhqot'in" was published on . Read an excerpt below, and visit the to read the article in its entirety.

  • June 26th of this year marked a milestone in Canadian jurisprudence: for the first time, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) ruled on the existence of Aboriginal title. After the Xeni Gwet’in, one of the six Tsilhqot’in First Nations, spent more than two decades opposing provincially-sanctioned logging in their traditional territory in central British Columbia, eight SCC judges unanimously affirmed that not only does the Tsilhqot’in Nation have title to those lands, but also that the province breached its duties to the Tsilhqot’in people by allowing the logging in the first place. Barely a month old, the 80-page decision will likely have far-reaching effects in terms of Aboriginal-settler relations, certainly in British Columbia and likely elsewhere in Canada as well.

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