

Alum wins teaching award

November 16, 2013

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV History alum Dale McCartney (M.A. 2010) has received a teaching award from Fraser International College.

The award is handed out on the basis of nominations written by students. Dale's nominators told the selection committee that his lectures are delivered in a friendly and engaging style.

More importantly, though, they cite Dale's compassion as a key to his success as a teacher, noting that his "empathy and support is key to what sets him apart. He respects problems faced by students [...and] really helps students in every aspect, to the best that he can. He is considerate and generous. These qualities inspire me."

FIC Principal Christa Ovenell says that adjudicating the award is always difficult, but explains that "Dale’s kindness, compassion, and willingness to engage puts him at the very top here at FIC."

Ovenell also points out that Dale's Canadian History classes are often the first introduction that the international students who make up FIC's entire population have to the country's past. "How he manages to bring the history of this nation alive, and make it meaningful for these diverse international students, is just an incredible thing to watch," Ovenell states. "He introduces them, in many cases, to ideas they’ve never even fathomed before."

The Department of History congratulates Dale on his success.


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