
James Horncastle

PhD Candidate

BA (Honours), St. Thomas University, 2009
MA, University of New Brunswick, 2011


Research Description

My dissertation examines the role that the Macedonian Slav population of Greek had in the Decemeber Uprisings and Greek Civil War, 1944-1949. My research interests include: Civil-Military Relations, Military History, International Relations, Security Studies, South-East Europe, and the Near East.

Working Dissertation Title

The Pawn that would be King: Slavophone Macedonians in the Dekemvriana and Greek Civil War, 1944-1949


Keeping the Genie in the Bottle: The Greek Navy in the First Balkan War in Epilogue of Empire. (Staten Island, NY: Gordian Press, 2016) (Accepted).

Unfamiliar Connections: Special Forces and Paramilitaries in the Former Yugoslavia Special Operations Journal 2 (2016) (Accepted)

A Measure of Success? Soviet and American Military Advising in Yugoslavia, 1945-1957 Air Force Advising and Assistance (Solihull, UK: Helion, 2016) (Accepted)

Croatias Bitter Harvest Total National Defences role in the Croatian War of Independence Small Wars & Insurgencies 26 (2015) 742  761.

Tous Azimuts: Yugoslavias Defence Policy during the Cold War The Means to Kill Essays on the Interdependence of War and Technology from Ancient Rome to the Age of Drones. Edited by Gerrit Dworok and Frank Jacob (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press, 2015) 182-196.

Reaping the Whirlwind: Total National Defenses Role in Slovenias Bid for Secession, Journal of Slavic Military Studies 26 (2013) 528-550.

A House of Cards: The Yugoslav Concept of Total National Defence and its Critical Weakness Macedonian Historical Review 2 (2011) 285-302.


Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) at 間眅埶AV, 2014-2015

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) at 間眅埶AV, 2013-2014

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies Graduate Scholarship, 2013-2014

Alexander S. Onassis Foundation Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 2013-2014

Full scholarship to attend 41st International Summer School for Greek Language, History, and Culture, 2013-2014

Member of The Delegation of Young Leaders of Canada (to Taiwan), Dec.16-23, 2013

Nick Kravariotis Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Hellenic Studies, 2012-2013

Katevatis Graduate Scholarship Hellenic Studies, 2012-2013

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 2012-2014

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Doctoral Fellowship at 間眅埶AV, 2011-2012

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) at 間眅埶AV, 2011-2012

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) at 間眅埶AV, 2010-2011

Board of Governors Merit Awards for Graduate Studies at University of New Brunswick, 2010-2011

Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program: Masters Scholarship (SSHRC), 2009-2010

Board of Governors Merit Awards for Graduate Studies at University of New Brunswick, 2009-2010


Taught HIST 364 Traveller, Diplomatic, and Media Narratives in Greece, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean (Winter 2016)

Taught HIST 307 - Guerrilla Warfare and State-Building in the Balkans and the Near East (Summer 2015)

TAed HIST 338 World War II (Winter 2012)

TAed HIST 106 The Making of Modern Europe (Spring 2011)
