
Milad Doroudian

MA Candidate

BA, History, University of British Columbia, 2014


Research Description

Milad is a historian of the Shoah, with a particular concentration on Holocaust consciousness and the transmission of trauma. His project aims to study the ways in which traumatic experiences shaped Israeli identity, as made obvious by its Judicial processes in the 1950's, with a particular concentration on the Holocaust in the Balkans - particularly Romania. 

Interests mainly lie in a comprehensive look at the Kolozsvar ghetto, and the structure of the Jewish Council and its relations with the Jewish Aid Committee in Hungary/Romania, within the grander context of Rudolf Kastner and his famous deal with Adolf Eichmann. This would be a perfect example of the implicit synthesis of internationalism and functionalism as a way to understand the unique form of Romanian and Hungarian agency during the Holocaust.
Milad spent one month in Romania, gathering primary sources and interviewing survivors in 2016 for his thesis, and plans to take a trip to the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington in 2017 to complete his research.

Working Dissertation Title

Neither Hero Nor Villain: Kastner and the Cluj Narratives


Milad Doroudian is a writer, columnist, and senior editor of The Art of Polemics magazine. He is a frequent contributor to the Jerusalem Post, The Jewish Journal, The Speaker, and numerous other publications. He is writing a book on the Jassy Pogrom of 1941. His work mainly pertains to intertwining the stories of individuals with the process of history, in order to tackle grander narratives. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History at the University of British Columbia in 2014.

While his main concentration is on the Shoah in the Balkans, he is also trying to characterize a new intellectual understanding of the transmission of trauma not just amid individuals, but also societal structures within multi-national, and transnational frameworks - as well as a nuanced approach to understanding power structures from a multi-layered view.


"The Precarious Nature of Romanian Identity and Nationality: The Intellectuals National Identification Process through Youth, Peasants, and Jews in the Interwar Period." in The Romanian Journal of History and International Studies., Nov. 2016 Vol 3. no. 2. pp. 114-144.

(Popular History) Essays in American History: From The Colonies To The Gilded Age. (Vancouver: CreateSpace, 2015).

Teaching Assistantships

HIST 277: The History of Greek Civilization (Fall 2015) - Dr. Andre Gerolymatos
HIST 102: Canada Since Confederation (Spring 2016) - Dr. Mark Leier
HIST 338: History of The Second World War (Summer 2016) - Dr. Roxanne Panchasi
HIST 277: The History of Greek Civilization (Fall 2016) - Dr. Andre Gerolymatos
 HIST 102: Canada Since Confederation (Spring 2017) - Dr. Mark Leier

Awards and Recognition

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre For Hellenic Studies Graduate Fellowship - Fall 2015
間眅埶AV Graduate Fellowship - Summer 2016
Graduate International Research Travel Award - Summer 2016
William and Jane Saywell Graduate Scholarship - Fall 2016
Hellenic Studies Graduate Fellowship - Fall 2016
