
Candice Klein

MA Candidate

BA with Distinction, History, 間眅埶AV, 2015

Supervisor: Elise Chenier


Research Description

In April of 1971 six Indochinese delegates met with over 600 women from North America during the Vancouver Indochinese Womens Conference to discuss feminist anti-war activism and attempt to build a transnational, transcultural, and transracial united front against imperialism. My Masters thesis will focus on internal discord around issues of race, class, and sexuality at this Conference, an important yet largely unexamined event central to the North American women's movement, and its creation of solidarity networks with Southeast Asian women.

Working Dissertation Title

Sisterhood is Powerful but Not Easy": Conflict and the Vancouver Indochinese Womens Conference of 1971.


An interest in detective novels, my own family history, the Prairies, feminism, and hip hop greatly influenced my decision to become a historian.

Originally from rural Southwestern Ontario, I made the trek westward in 2003 with long pauses through Calgary and Banff, eventually settling in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2005. As a fledgling historian of gender and sexuality, the zeitgeist of the womens movement during the long 60s deeply influences my current research interests.

In my spare time I enjoy making jewelry and art installations, as I am one of the founding members of the Radical Spirits Art Collective based in East Vancouver.

Teaching Assistantships

HIST 101:  Canada to Confederation (Fall 2015)


The Rosslyn and Mary Penney Community Service Award

Douglas Cole Memorial Graduate Entrance Scholarship in Cultural History

Personal Website
