
Tenure-track faculty (including tenured appointments) are research faculty and comprise the following ranks: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

Tenure-track faculty appointments are concluded by the President.

Instructor Appointments

30.4 The rank of Instructor applies to tenure track appointments where the faculty member is appointed prior to, but contingent on, the completion of the Ph.D. or equivalent. The standard length of contract for Instructors is four years. If the Ph.D. is not completed by the end of the third year, the contract will not normally be renewed. 

Requirements for Assistant Professor

28.18 Appointment to the rank of Assistant Professor presumes a strong academic record and completion of academic or professional training. There should be clear indications that the individual has the aptitudes of a successful teacher, the potential to grow in stature as a scholar, as well as a willingness to play an active role in the University. These views should be supported by strong referee reports. 

Requirements for Associate Professor

28.21 Appointment or promotion to the rank of Associate Professor is based on a record of sustained successful teaching, scholarly achievement, and participation in service to the University and the community. An important criterion is the demonstration of continued professional growth of the individual in their field(s), including recognition as an established scholar that should be reflected in the biennial salary review record. External referees of high academic stature must assess the individual's research contributions.

Requirements for Professor

28.22 The total overall career contributions of the faculty member in areas of teaching, research, and service to the University and the community will be taken into consideration. The rank of Professor is designed for those who have excelled in teaching and research and demonstrated commitment to service contributions. Appointment or promotion to this rank requires evidence of national or international reputation in their area of expertise, supported by letters from external referees of high academic stature.

Procedures for Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments

    Aug 18/22

Non-advertised Positions - Request for Approval Form    May 2/18

     Jun 27/22

Collective Agreement Articles:

Article 23: Continuing Academic Appointments

Article 27: Research Faculty Workload

Article 28: University Criteria for Appointments, Tenure and Promotion 

Article 30: Contract Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion

Contact the  handling inquiries for your Faculty.