
Conference Proceedings


Arturo Velasco, Nicholas J Roberts, Bernhard Rabus. Optimizing Characterization of an Urbanized Creeping Landslide with Advanced Multitemporal Interferometric SAR. IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 

Pau Prats, Andrea Pulella, Andreas Benedikter, Andrew Hooper, Juliet Biggs, Andreas K瓣瓣b, Bernhard Rabus, Thomas Nagler, Helmut Rott, Odysseas Pappas, Francesco De Zan, Victor Diego Navarro Sanchez, Ramon Brcic, Nida Sakar, Gustavo Martin del Campo Becerra, Simon Johannes Trumpf, Johannes Kramp, Georg Fischer, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Bj繹rn Rommen. Performance Analysis of the Harmony Mission for Land Applications: Results from the Phase A Study. Fringe 2023.


UI Ahmed, B Rabus, J Haas. Deep Neural Network (DNN) Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Processor. EUSAR 2022; 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1-5.

UI Ahmed, B Rabus, D Geudtner, M Rashid, C Gierull. Along Track Interferometry (ATI) versus Doppler Centroid Anomaly (DCA) Estimation of Ocean Surface Radial Velocity using RADARSAT-2 Modex-1 ScanSAR Data. EUSAR 2022; 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1-5.

J Stacey, W Gronnemose, J Eppler, B Rabus. En Route to Operational Repeat-Pass InSAR with 間眅埶AVs SAR-Optical Airborne System. EUSAR 2022; 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1-5.


A. Velasco, B. Rabus, M.F. Beg, Comparison of Speckle Noise Filters on Crop Classification based on Sentinel-1 SAR Time-series, IEEE Indian Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS), 2021.

U. I. Ahmed, A. Velasco and B. Rabus, "Semantic Segmentation of Land Use / Land Cover (LU/LC) Types Using F-CNNS on Multi-Sensor (Radar-Ir-Optical) Image Data," 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021, pp. 4700-4703, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554051.

U. I. Ahmed, B. Rabus and M. Kubanski, "Off-Nadir Photogrammetry for Airborne SAR Motion Compensation: A First Step," 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021, pp. 8519-8522, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553861.


G Corti, GE Flowers, B Rabus. Discontinuous glacier motion as a test case for improving the accuracy of high resolution InSAR and SAR offset tracking methods. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, G004-0019.

U. I. Ahmed, B.Rabus, and M. F. Beg. "SAR and optical image fusion for urban infrastructure detection and monitoring." Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments V. Vol. 11535. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020. doi:10.1117/12.2579480


Bernhard Rabus, Jayson Eppler, and Mike Kubanski. 間眅埶AV SARlabs Experimental Airborne Miniature SAR Mars analogue campaign March 2019, Slims River Delta and Floodplain, Yukon. Advanced SAR workshop 2019, Quebec, Canada

Mike Kubanski and Bernhard Rabus. Time-Domain Focusing and Doppler Analysis of Sentinal-1 TOPS Mode Data-Preliminary Analysis Regarding Extracting Geophysical Contribution from Measured Doppler Centroid. Advanced SAR workshop 2019, Quebec, Canada

Manuele Pichierri, Virginia Brancato, Bernhard Rabus, Irena Hajnsek. Assessing the influence of seasonal and minute-scale crop dielectric changes on Differential Interferometric SAR observables at L-, C- and X-bands. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-6154, 2019 EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria

Bernhard Rabus, Manuele Pichierri, Jayson Eppler, and Mike Kubanski. First Demonstration of 間眅埶AV SARlabs Experimental Airborne Miniature SAR Sensor. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-6178, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2019 Vienna, Austria

Farnoush HosseiniAnna Gribbon, Bernhard Rabus, and Gwenn Flowers. High Resolution InSAR Investigation of Increased Landslide Motion and Non-steady-state Glacier Flow on Mount Meager, BC, Canada. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-11514, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria


M. Pichierri, and B. Rabus. Applications of SAR remote sensing in the Arctic: a review. ANTEM 2018, Waterloo ON, Canada, 2018.

M.J. Kubanski, and B. Rabus. Time Domain Focusing and Doppler Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data: First Results. Proceedings of EUSAR 2018, Aachen, Germany, 2018. (link: https://www.vdeverlag.de/proceedings-en/454636301.html)

M. Hashemi, B. Rabus, and S. Lehner. Ocean feature extraction from SAR quicklook imagery using convolutional neural networks. Proceedings of EUSAR 2018, Aachen, Germany, 2018. (link: https://www.vdeverlag.de/proceedings-en/454636279.html)

E. Zaugg, B. Rabus, F.J. Meyer, and V. Gracheva. SlimSAR for Research in Advanced SAR Applications. Proceedings of EUSAR 2018, Aachen, Germany, 2018. (link: https://www.vdeverlag.de/proceedings-en/454636058.html)

F. Hosseini, B. Rabus, M. Pichierri, and M-A. Brideau. Evaluating the potential of high spatial resolution spaceborne InSAR for monitoring ground deformation hazards in challenging mountainous terrains. Geohazards 7, Canmore AB, Canada, 2018.


M. Pichierri, B.T. Rabus, and I. Hajnsek. Single-baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for characterizing the biophysical properties of agricultural crops. Proceedings of IEEE IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, USA, 2017. (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8127850)

M. Pichierri, B.T. Rabus, and I. Hajnsek. Characterizing the biophysical properties of agricultural crops using Polarimetric SAR Interferometry. ESA Polinsar 2017, Frascati, Italy, 2017.

J. Eppler, B.T. Rabus, and M. Pichierri. Multi-Sensor InSAR Constrained Modeling of the Fels Glacier Slide. CGU-CSAFM National Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2017.   

B.T. Rabus, J. Eppler, and M. Pichierri. Comprehensive Geophysical Model and Criticality Prediction for a Large Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation, Fels Glacier Slide, Alaska. ESA Fringe 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 2017.

J. Eppler, B.T. Rabus, and M. Pichierri. Joint Arctic Permafrost Stability and Snow Pack Monitoring Making Comprehensive Use of Full-year InSAR Time Series. ESA Fringe 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 2017.


M. Pichierri, and I. Hajnsek. Comparing performances of RVoG and OVoG crop height inversion schemes from multi-frequency SAR data. Proceedings of EUSAR 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.

J. Eppler, M. Kubanski, J. Sharma, and J. Busler. Joint Multi-stack InSAR for Permafrost Monitoring. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.

B.T. Rabus, and J. Eppler. Advanced InSAR monitoring solution for landslide geohazards. TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting 2016, Wessling, Germany, 2016.


B.T. Rabus, J. Leighton, and C. Avey. Advanced InSAR for Permafrost Related Ground Motion. Proceedings of Geoquebec 2015, Quebec City, Canada, 2015.

B.T. Rabus and P. Ghuman. Automated generation of near realtime, optimum accuracy movement products with Sentinel-1A IW data. Proceedings of the FRINGE 15 meeting in Frascati, Italy, 2015.

A.A. Zimmer and B.T. Rabus. New Coherence Algorithm for High Motion Areas. Proceedings of the FRINGE 15 meeting in Frascati, Italy, 2015.


J.J. Clague, D.H. Shugar, B.T. Rabus, and D.M. Capps. The glaciological response of Black Rapids Glacier to the Denali earthquake rock avalanches. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, US, 2013.


J. Eppler and B. Rabus. Monitoring Urban Infrastructure with an Adaptive Multilooking InSAR Technique. Proceedings of the FRINGE 99 meeting in Frascati, Italy, 2011.

B. Rabus and J. Eppler. Pushing the accuracy limit for CO2 sequestration monitoring: Statistically optimal spatio-temporal removal of the atmospheric component from InSAR Networks. Proceedings of the FRINGE 99 meeting in Frascati, Italy, 2011.

T.D. Styles, D. Stead, E. Eberhardt, B. Rabus, M. Gaida, and J. Bloom. Integrated Numerical modelling and InSAR monitoring of a slow moving slope instability at Bingham Canyon Mine. Slope Stability 2011, Vancouver, September 2011.


B. Rabus, E. Eberhardt, D. Stead, P. Ghuman, C. Nadeau, K. Woo, J. Severin, and F. Gao. Application of InSAR to constrain 3-D numerical modelling of complex discontinuous pit slope deformations. Slope Stability 2009, Santiago, Chile, November 2009.


I.G. Cumming, B. Rabus, and B. Mercer. Current Interferometry Results in Canada. Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR 08. IEEE; January 2008.