
Student Projects

Term Projects (EASC 609 / ENSC 895)

Spring 2017

Caelan Midwood: A Review of the State of Technology for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing and Future Synthetic Aperture Prospects

Rajveer Singh Brar: A Network Based Image Registration Approach for Stack Processing of Incoherent Images

Dave Bigelow: Surface Velocities at White Glacier, NT, Derived from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Omar Chang: Remote Sensing of the Hope Slide Scarp in BC, Canada Using Interferometry

Nick Wooster: An Analysis of the Failure of the Oroville Dam Main and Emergency Spillways Using InSAR Techniques

Gurman Thind: Detecting Massive Wildebeest Migrations in Serengeti Park Using Coherence Change Detection Technique for Synthetic Aperture Radar


Fall 2015

Jennifer Brand: InSAR Application for Detecting Oil and Gas Industry Related Surface Deformation in Northern Humid Environments

Jayson Eppler: A Demonstrated Review of ScanSAR Interferometry

Mike Kubanski: An InSAR Analysis over Bingham Canyon

Sujin Lee: Spatially Adaptive Iterative Singular-value Thresholding Denoising Technique for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Daniel Wahl: Phase Unwrapping Using the Goldstein Algorithm for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Giachino Roberti: InSAR Staring Spotlight Movement Analysis on the Mount Meager Massif, British Columbia

Megan Dewit: InSAR Applications on The Barrier, Garibaldi Provincial Park, BC

Mohamed Athiq: Detection and Estimation of Topographical Displacement Due to Landslides on Mount Meager, Squamish BC Using SAR Interferometry

Morgan Heisler: Phase Filtering Algorithm for Noisy SAR Interferograms

Craig Miller: The Effectiveness of RADARSAT-2 at Monitoring Ground Motion Around Shale Gas Fields Near Fort St John, British Columbia, Canada