
The Group

Group Leader

Bernhard Rabus

Professor, School of Engineering Science

Office: ASB 9829 
Phone: (778) 782-4846
Fax: (778) 782-4951
E-mail: btrabus@sfu.ca




Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1997

M.Sc., Physics, Technical University of Munich, 1992


Research interests:

SAR methods and applications, with a focus on (i) maritime applications (e.g. vessel detection and characterization, ocean parameter derivation) and (ii) novel land applications using advanced interferometric and polarimetric time series analysis techniques.

Doctoral Students

Mike Kubanski

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: mjk6@sfu.ca


BASC Electronics Engineering, 間眅埶AV, 2012

Research interests:

Principles of SAR imaging and focusing, moving target indication, and signal processing using space based and airborne SAR systems with application to both the land and maritime domains.

Jarrod Haas

PhD Candidate

Deep Learning

Office: TASC1 7412
E-mail: jhaas@sfu.ca


BSc Computing Science, 間眅埶AV

Research Interests

Bayesian deep learning and computer vision.

Farnoush Hosseini

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: fha20@sfu.ca


M.Sc. Geodesy, Surveying Engineering, University of Tehran, 2015

B.Sc. Surveying Engineering, University of Tehran, 2012

Research interests:

SAR Interferometry for land applications including natural hazards. Monitoring civil structures using SAR Interferometry. Digital Elevation Models (DEM).

Arturo Velasco

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: avelasco@sfu.ca


M.Sc. Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, Universitat Polit癡cnica de Val癡ncia, 2017

B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering, National University of Piura, 2013

Research interests:

Soil Moisture Content retrieval; subsidence/uplift driven by groundwater; flooding analysis; crop classification; Persistant Scatter Interferometry. 

Wyatt Gronnemose

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840  

Email: wyatt_gronnemose@sfu.ca


B.ASc. Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia

M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research interests:
Mm-wave SAR, modelling the effect of materials on radar backscatter, image processing of SAR data.

Usman Iqbal Ahmed

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: uiahmed@sfu.ca


BE (Avionics), College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (2010)

MS (Avionics) Intitute of Avionics and Astronautics (IAA), Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan. (2017)

Research interests:

Sensor Fusion Techniques of SAR and Fodar; Linear Infrastructure Monitoring based on InSAR and Fodar data; Permafrost Dynamics; Fodar data fusion in Interferometric SAR processing techniques

Master Students

Bingqian Zhang

M.Sc. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840

E-mail: berilz@sfu.ca

BSc Mathematics, 間眅埶AV

Research Interests:
Application of machine learning in SAR.

Jeff Stacey

MA.Sc. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840

E-mail: jeff_stacey@sfu.ca

BEng Electrical Engineering, University of Victoria

Research Interests:
Airborne SAR imaging, interferometry, and tomography. Array, statistical, and sparse signal processing and their applications to remote sensing.

Allison Plourde

M.Sc. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840 

E-mail: allison_plourde@sfu.ca

B.Eng. Aerospace Electronics and Systems, Carleton University, 2021

Research Interests:
Measuring surface displacement using winter SAR


Former Students

Giovanni Corti

M.Sc. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840

E-mail: gcorti@sfu.ca

Project Description:

Speckle tracking of discontinuous glacier motion


Jayson Eppler

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: jaysone@sfu.ca

Project description:

Advanced interferometric SAR techniques including adaptive filtering, phase triangulation and mitigation of snow related phase effects to support surface deformation monitoring in permafrost affected environments.

Nick Wooster

M.Eng. Candidate, 2018

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: ntwooste@sfu.ca

Project description:

Developing a high temporal resolution vector field model of the surface motion of the Fels Glacier landslide in the east-central Alaska Range of the United States using interferometric techniques and ground-based real aperture radar data captured over the course of a multi-day campaign in August 2017.

Elizabeth Pieters

B.ASc. (Hons) Candidate, Engineering Physics

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: elizabeth_pieters@sfu.ca

Project description:

Processing of space-borne SAR data to generate Doppler maps for maritime applications of SAR (e.g., ocean surface currents).

Former Postdoctoral Fellows

Manuele Pichierri

Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: ASB 9841
E-mail: mpichier@sfu.ca


Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich, 2016

M.Sc. Electronic Engineering (cum laude), University of Perugia, 2011

Research interests:

SAR interferometry and polarimetric SAR Interferometry for land applications; characterizing the polarimetric interferometric responses from bare and vegetated surfaces.

Jeanine Engelbrecht

Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: ASB 10840

Email: jengelbr@sfu.ca


PhD - University of Cape Town, Department of Electrical Engineering

MSc Geographic Information Systsems, Stellenbosch University

Research Interests:

Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR Interferometry, SAR Polarimetry, Geospatial Technologies, Applied Earth Observation

Visiting Scholars (Past and present)

Samuel Stettner

Ph.D. Candidate

Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany, 2017

Office: ASB 10840
E-mail: Samuel.Stettner@awi.de


M.Sc. of Geography, Free University of Berlin, Germany, 2015

B.Sc. of Geography, Free University of Berlin, Germany, 2011

Research interests:

Application of SAR time-series for monitoring Arctic landscape changes. Monitoring of rapid permafrost degradation with SAR backscatter time series. Characterizing wet snow dynamics with multi-orbit SAR.