Professional Publications (Non Refereed Journal Articles, Newsletters, Media)
Blenkinsop, S. 2014. Crashing Into Imaginative Education. IERG Newsletter. Spring, 2014.
Blenkinsop, S. & C. Beeman. 2007. Sticky Rope: Learning Through Experience. LIDC Newsletter. October, 2007, 3–4.
Blenkinsop, S. (2006). A Very Short Story about Sean, Seeking, and Socks. Gradnews. August 2006, 5–6.
Blenkinsop, S. (2006). The Mystery of Science: Imagination, Science, and John Dewey (?). Imagine! The Newsletter of the Imaginative Education Research Group, 3(1), 7–9.

Blenkinsop, S. (2003). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Spring, 2003, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2002). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Spring, 2002, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2002). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Summer, 2002, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2002). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Fall, 2002, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2002). Gone to the Dogs. The Kingston Whig Standard, Nov. 23, 2002, Companion Section, 6.
Blenkinsop, S. (2001). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Spring, 2001, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2001). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Summer, 2001, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2001). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Fall, 2001, 1.
Blenkinsop, S. (2000). Editor’s Notebook. Nor’Easter: Journal of the Northeast Region of the Association of Experiential Education, Fall, 2000, 1.