
Invited Presentations

Keynotes and Plenaries

Blenkinsop, S. (2014, June). Research and the Environmental Teacher. Invited Keynote presented at the Growing Knowledge Conference. Victoria, BC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2013, October). Separating the differences: Defining outdoor, experiential, environmental, and place-based education.  Invited Keynote presented at the EEPSA Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2011, January). Invited Speaker and Full day Workshop presenter for School District 85. Vancouver Island, BC. 

Blenkinsop, S. (2010, May). Telling the story, thus far, of a small school in Maple Ridge. Invited keynote storyteller for What is Walking the Talk? A Community Dialogue on Education. Vancouver, BC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2010, April). Response to J. Edgoose (read by R. Chen). Invited paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.

Blenkinsop, S. (2009, July). Re-sounding the World: Listening, Re-imaging, and the Semiotics of Education. Invited Keynote presented at the 7th Annual International Conference in Imaginative Education. Vancouver, BC.

Blenkinsop, S., & C. Beeman. (2009, May). Attentive Receptivity: Experiencing Ontological Research. Invited Plenary Session paper presented at the World Environmental Education Congress. Montreal, QC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2008, January). Imaginative Ecological Education. Keynote Speaker at the 6th Annual International Conference in Imaginative Education. Canberra, Australia.

Blenkinsop, S. (2008, January). Holistic Ecological Education. Keynote Speaker at the Conference on Holistic Education. Melbourne, Australia.

Blenkinsop, S. (2007, July). A LUCID Game: Playing with Imaginative Education and the BC Curriculum. Keynote Speaker at the 5th Annual International Conference in Imaginative Education. Vancouver, BC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2006, July). Where do we go from here? Keynote presented at the LUCID Conference. Prince Rupert, BC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2006, April). Response to J. Stillwaggon. Invited paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference. Puerto Vallarta, MX.


Blenkinsop, S., Macquarrie, J., & V. Hotton. (2010, September). The Environment as Co-Researcher. Invited panel and discussion to be facilitated at the North American Association for Environmental Education Research Symposium. Buffalo, NY.

Blenkinsop, S. (2009, March). Jobs for Philosophers of Education. Invited Panelist at Philosophy of Education Society. Montreal, QC.

Blenkinsop, S. (2006, October). Where is the Philosophy in Philosophy of Education? Invited Keynote Panelist at SASAMAT.  Vancouver, BC.
