

Service to the University

  • Interim committee member, redesign of Aboriginal University Preparation Program (IAUPP) (20172020)
  • Consultant, Implementing W component of university mandate at the Writing Intensive Learning Office (WILO) (20062007)

Service to the Faculty

  • Committee member, Undergraduate Programs Committee (20212022)
  • Committee member,  Faculty Tenure & Promotions Committee (FTPC) (20202021)
  • Committee member, Professional Programs Committee (20152019)
  • Committee member, Field Programs Committee (20132015)
  • Application reviewer/adjudicator, MEd Field Programs (2015present)
  • Founding editor/research assistant, 間眅埶AV Educational Review (20062007)

Service to the Scholarly Community

  • Reviewer, CSSE conference proposals LLRC, Arts SiG (2018-2022)
  • Media interview, Interviewed by Emilie Dingfeld for Indigo/Chapters blog (2020, Sept. 9): Five reasons why you should read to your kids before bed.
  • Reviewer, AERA conference proposals for Arts & Learning SiG (2020-2021)
  • Invited speaker, Educators essential role in refugee settlement: Adapting B.C.s New Curriculum for greater inclusion, belonging, and well-being. ECED, UBC (2020, March 31)
  • Invited speaker, Teaching refugees in Canada: Ovecoming challenges through using strengths and resilience, Summer Institute, Education, UBC (2019, July 9)
  • Judge, Prism International Fiction contest, UBC (2004)

Service to the Community

  • Liaison Committee Partnerships, Collaborations with Surrey School district administration & 間眅埶AV Surrey Executive, Faculty of Education, Student recruitment, Aboriginal Education (2021)
  • Grant writer, McConnell Foundation with Community Action Initiative grant: Student Well-being for System Change Fund WellAhead 2017.  間眅埶AV and Surrey School district, City of Surrey and Immigrant Services of BC (ISSofBC). (Shortlisted) (2017)
  • Participant, Artistic Learning Dialogues (PI: Susan ONeill), SSHRC grant (20132014)
  • Public reading - fiction: Will and Angeline at Freedom to Read Week theme: Uncensored writing. Vancouver, BC (2004)