

Barber, S. (2021, July 3). Media literacy: A lost opportunity under the Trump administration to review the roots of Western education. We need to talk about literacy: Why spoken language matters in literacy learning and teaching. [Virtual paper session]. UKLA, Oxford, UK.

Barber, S. & Ramsay, L. L. (2021, July 2). Life without words: How newly arrived refugees to Canada can overcome preliteracy and learn to communicate through a literacy of the heart. We need to talk about literacy: Why spoken language matters in literacy learning and teaching [Virtual paper session]. UKLA, Oxford, UK.

Ramsay, L. & Barber, S. (2021, April 11). Identity mentorship in teacher education: Narrative arts inquiry for vulnerable youth in Canadian education crisis [Paper presentation]. Arts-Based Educational Research SiG, American Educational Research Association (AERA). [Virtual presentation]

Barber, S. (2020, August 24). Wrap-around care: How Canadian schools aim to generate opportunities for lifelong learning for recent refugees. Forced migration and the global education 2030 agenda:  From educational research to policy and practice. [Paper session]. ECER seminar, University of Glasgow [Virtual conference].

Barber, S. (2020, May 25). Refugee education during the Coronavirus pandemic: Strengthening a sense of belonging [Paper session]. Coronavirus pandemic and the education of children vulnerable to exclusion: Critical lessons for practice and policy in an altered world. International Seminar hosts: Winchester University, Arhaus University and University of Vienna. [Virtual presentation].

Barber, S. (2020, April 1721). The left coast solution: Educators and stakeholders collaborate    on integrating refugees in British Columbia, Canada [Symposium]. In J. Stewart (Chair), Canadian educational initiative to support refugee student learning from three provinces. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.  (Conference cancelled due to Covid-19).

Barber, S. & McIntyre, J. (2020, April 1721) Refugee Education: The Power and Possibilities When International Scholars and Stakeholders Collaborate [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA   (Conference cancelled)

Ramsay, L. L. & Barber, S. (2020, April 1721) Writing through fear and disappointment: teacher education and mentorship as transformational critical literacy inquiry [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA.   (Conference cancelled)

Barber, S. (2019). Refugee education and resettlement in Surrey, B.C.: A look at the big picture. Paper presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), CERN, UBC, Vancouver, BC, CSSE.

Barber, S. (2019).  Creative writing as extracurricular activity:  The importance of enriching student university experience. Paper presented at the meeting of Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), LLRC, UBC,Vancouver, BC.

Barber, S. (2018). First You Begin with Art: Helping Teachers Welcome Refugees into their New Global Classrooms. World Conference in Education (WCE). Dublin, Ireland.

Barber, S. & Ramsay, L. (2018). Preliteracy and trauma: Helping teachers reduce major barriers to education for refugee students and their parents. A Childs World New Shoes, New Direction. Aberystwyth,Wales, UK: Aberystwyth University.

Barber, S. & Tripp, S. (2018). Coding in Kindergarten: Engaging our future problem solvers. Childs World, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Ramsay, L. & Barber, S. (2018). British Columbia classrooms in behaviour crisis! Arts-based inquiry with collaborative communities of inclusion for mental and emotional health. Childs World, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Barber, S. (2018.). At Risk Kids, At Risk Communities: Starting with Social and Emotional Well-Being Goals for a School District. Childs World, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Barber, S., Ramsay, L. & Cojocaru, A. (2018) Refugee dreams: Teachers facilitating hope for students and parents with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and preliteracy in Canada. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA.

Barber, S. (2017). Refugees, coding and mindfulness: The new global issues that teachers are choosing to research in their Master of Education inquiry projects. Paper, Canada International Conference in Education (CICE), University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON, paper.

Barber, S. (2017). The glass half full? An opportunity under Trumps administration to review the perennial aims of Western education, Global Conference on Educational Research (GLOCER), USF Sarasota-Manatee,paper.

Barber, S. (2017). Refugees: The new global issue facing teachers in Canada, GLOCER, paper.

Ramsay, L. & Barber, S. (2017). Narrative Inquiry: Demonstrating critical reflection in arts-based cultures of inclusive learning, GLOCER, paper.

Barber, S. (2015). Seeing is Doing: Modeling academic writing and research through instructional videos to support our ELLs. Paper presented at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Vancouver, BC.

Barber, S. (2014). Digital Showcase: Digital Foundations: Video, Teaching University Writing, and ESL/EAL students. Paper presentation at Improving University Teaching (IUT). UBC, Vancouver, BC.

Barber, S. (2014). Show and Tell: Unintended Educational Outcomes of Narrative Therapy in the Creative Writing Class. Paper presentation at CSSE, St. Catherines, ON.

Barber, S. (2014). The Write Stuff: Making the transition from high school to university writing through narratives of success and video instruction. CSSE, St. Catherines, ON.

Barber, S. (2014). Teaching Narratives in a Digital Age:  Sharing and Learning from our Experiences through Multimedia. Paper presenation at CSSE, CATE.

Barber, S. (2014). Effective Narrative Inquiry in Teacher Education: Illuminating the Path. Paper presentation at Investigating our Practices (IOP), UBC, Vancouver, BC.             

Barber, S. (2013). Gamifying Distance (Online) Education Courses with Narrative: The Hunger (for knowledge) Games. Storyville: Exploring narratives of learning and teaching, Higher Education Academy (HEA), Brighton, UK.

Barber, S. (2013). Digital Natives and Digital Narratives: Teaching Narrative Writing Through Video. Paper presentation at Higher Education Academy, UK.

Barber, S. (2013). Can a Novel Satisfy the Requirements of a Doctoral Dissertation? Paper presenation at Higher Education Academy, UK.
