Co-developed undergraduate programming as part of the Environmental Literacy certificate (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Faculty of Environment)
Collaborated on the development of the Graduate Certificate in Development Studies (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Faculty of Environment)
PBD in Environmental Education (approved by Faculty and Senate in 2006).
Re-developed and refined the Undergraduate Minor In Environmental Education (approved 2010).
Developed eight cohorts in the Community Graduate Programs M.Ed. (CI Focus: Eco Ed).
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV International and Student Services (ISS)
Developed the Indonesia Field School (approved by Faculty, and SCIA in 2007)
Developed the Hawaii Field School (approved by Faculty, and SCIA in 2014)
Developed the Tanzania Field School (approved by Faculty, and SCIA in 2023)
Faculty of Education Courses
Undergraduate Programs
Re-developed & teaching Education 452-8 (Summer Institute in Environmental Education – ‘Q’ and ‘B’ designations)
Developed new course: Education 454-4 (Quantitative Methods in Environmental Education – Q designation)
Developed new course: Education 493-4 (Directed Studies in Environmental Education) a core course in the PBD in EE.
Professional Programs
Development and sponsorship of the Global Communities now SEEDs module, integrated K-12 modules within the Professional Programs with a focus on social ecology and environmental learning (in consultation with Faculty Associates and Community groups).
Education 401/402/405. Developed and implemented the Infusing Technology into Teacher Education Model (September 2001- April 2005) using consultative and semi-structured approaches for developing ICT competencies within the PDP and PQP seminar and practicum experiences. Other activities include offering the popular Project WILD, Project WET and GET Outdoors workshops across the Professional programs (September 2006- present).
Graduate Programs
Re-developed and taught Education 857-5 (Issues & Topics in Environmental Education) for off-campus M.Ed. programs
Developed a research methods course Education 861-5 (The Study of Learning Environments): an elective graduate course
Developed several versions of Graduate field studies courses (EDUC 811, 812 and 904) for off-campus M.Ed. programs.
International Programs
Developed the Memorandum of Understanding between ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and Curtin University, Australia (supporting joint instruction).
Developed and instructed the Indonesia Field School in Environmental and Ecological Education (Fall 2008, 2011 and 2014)
Consultant on the ADB funded project Preparing the Education Sector Development Program (Sri Lanka)
Co-developed and instructed a six month program for the Brunei Ministry of Education, delivered at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV with the TLC.
Developed /presented a 4 day institute/short course for the Ministry of Education, Malaysia (Institut Aminuddin Baki), entitled: Managing Technological Change in Schools (Feb., 2002). Participants were high school principals and Ministry of Education officials.
Developed /presented a 5 day short course (July 2001) on Learning Environments in Collaboration with Curtin University of Australia.
Faculty of Environment Courses
Graduate Programs
Re-developed and taught the graduate course Development and Sustainability (DEVS 801) as a core course in the new Graduate Development Certificate. Students developed research proposals and interacted with faculty active in International development projects and research.
Undergraduate Programs
Co-developed and taught three new undergraduate courses (under the Collaborative Teaching Fellows program): Environmental Controversy (ENV 399) and The Change Lab (Directed Studies in Environmental Topics) (ENV 291/391) which featured team teaching and an interdisciplinary consideration of environmental issues and sustainability topics.