
Refereed Journal Articles

Cirkony, C., Kenny, J. and Zandvliet, D. (2023). A Two-Eyed Seeing Teaching and Learning Framework for Science Education. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42330-023-00276-z.

Zandvliet, D.B. and Paul, A. (2023). Social ecology and environmental diversity in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability.

Ardiles, P., Ezegbe, H., Nelson, R., Mathewson, A., Purewal, S., Rutty T., Unnithan, C., & Zandvliet, D. (2023) Surrey CityLab: using academic-community partnerships to advance ​​sustainability through civic engagement and place-based education. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.

Zandvliet, D.; Leddy, S.; Inver, C.; Elderton, V.; Townrow, B.; York, L. (2023). Approaches to Bio-Cultural Diversity in British Columbia. Sustainability, 15(8),

Sturrock, G. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2023). Citizenship Outcomes and Place-Based Learning Environments in an Integrated Environmental Studies Program. Education Sciences.

Zandvliet, D.B. and Perera, V. (2022). Two Stories of Environmental Learning. Educational Action Research

Karrow, D., Fazio, X and Zandvliet, D. (2022).  What’s in a Name? The Signifiers and Empty-Signifiers of ‘Environmental and Sustainability Education.’ Brock Education Journal.

Adams, J., Graham, P. and Zandvliet, D. (2022). Eco-thinking and informal science learning: Building a journal for everyone. Editorial paper. International Journal for Informal Science and Environmental Learning 1 (1)

Ma, A., Vander Flier-Keller, E., Zandvliet, D.B. and Cameron, K. (2021). Merging Earth Science into an Environmental Education for K-12 Teachers: Is it successful? Journal of Geoscience Education

Glithero, E. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2021). Reading the Ocean: Framing Ocean Literacy in Canada. Canadian Journal for Environmental Education (24), 5-10.

Albuquerque, M. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2021). The Many Currents of Ocean Literacy: A case study of Ocean Wise Programming.  Canadian Journal for Environmental Education (24), 163-188.

Glithero, E. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2021). Evaluating Ocean Perceptions and Ocean Values: The Canadian Ocean Literacy Survey. Canadian Journal for Environmental Education (24), 216-232.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2019). Ecological education via ‘islands of discourse:’ Teacher education at the intersection of culture and environment. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education.

Zandvliet, D.B., Stanton, A. and Dhaliwal, R. (2019). Design and validation of a tool to measure associations among learning environments and student wellbeing: the Healthy Environments and Learning Practices Survey. Innovations in Higher Education.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2018). STEM and LEAF. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2017). SPACES for Learning: Development and Validation of the School Physical and Campus Environment Survey. Learning Environments Research

Stanton, A., Zandvliet, D.B., Dhaliwal, R., & Black, T. (2016). Understanding Students' Experiences of Well-being in Learning Environments. Higher Education Studies.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2015). Highlighting Diversity in Research. Editorial paper. Ecothinking 1 (1).

Tondeur, J., Van Den Driessche, De Bruyne E., McKenney S. & Zandvliet, D.B (2014). The physical placement of classroom technology and its influences on educational practices. Cambridge Journal of Education. 45 (4), 537–556. 

Zandvliet, D.B. & Ormond C.G.A. (2014). Environmental Learning as a Unique Context for Science Education. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Educação Em Ciências, 14 (2).

Ormond, C.G.A., Zandvliet, D.B., McClaren, M., Robertson, P. & Leddy, S. (2014). Environmental Education as Teacher Education: Melancholic Reflections from an Emerging Community of Practice. Canadian Journal for Environmental Education 160, 160–179.

Zandvliet D.B. (2013). SPACES and PLACES: Case studies in the Evaluation of Post-secondary, Place-based Learning Environments. Studies in Educational Evaluation.

Liu, C.J. & Zandvliet, D.B. (2012). The Learning Environment Associated With Information Technology Education In Taiwan - Psychosocial And Physical Aspects. Learning Environment Research, 15 (3), 379–402.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2012). Development and Validation Of The Place-based Learning And Constructivist Environment Survey (PLACES). Learning Environment Research, 15 (1), 125–140.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2010). An Ecological Framework for Science Education. Open Education Journal. Singapore:Bentham.

Alsop, S., Dippo, D. & Zandvliet, D. (2007). Teacher education as/for social and ecological transformation: place based reflections on local and global participatory methods and collaborative practices. Journal of Education and Teaching.

Zandvliet, D.B. & Brown, D.R (2006). Framing Experience on Haida Gwaii: An Ecological Model for Environmental Education. Canadian Journal for Environmental Education, 11, 207–219.

Zandvliet, D. (2006). On blindness, elephants  and educational research. South African Journal for Environmental Education.

Zandvliet, D. & Fraser B. (2005, Jan.). Physical and psychosocial environments associated with Internet classrooms. Learning Environment Research, 8 (1). Dordrecht, Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Zandvliet, D.B. & Fraser B (2004). Shaping learning environments. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 13 (1), 97–125. Oxford:Triangle Journals.

Zandvliet, D.B. and Buker, L. (2003). The Internet in BC Classrooms: Learning Environments in New Contexts. International Electronic Journal on Leadership and Learning. Calgary: University of Calgary.

Sammel, A. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2003). Science Reform or Science Conform: Problematic Epistemological Assumptions with/in Canadian Science Reform Efforts. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Zandvliet, D.B. and Straker L. (2001). Physical and psychosocial ergonomic aspects of the learning environment in information technology rich classrooms. Ergonomics. London: Taylor and Francis.

Straker, L., Harris C. and Zandvliet, D. (2000, July). Scarring a generation of school children through poor introduction of Information Technology in schools. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 44 (33) 6-300-6-303.    

Zandvliet, D.B. and Farragher, P. (1997). A comparison of the computer and written forms of multiple choice testing. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29 (4), 423–438.
