
Refereed Book Chapters

Alsop, J. Ormond, C.A., Wilson, B. & Zandvliet, D.B. (2023).  Science and Story. In Chinn, P. and Nelson-Barber, S. (Eds.) Indigenous STEM Education – Perspectives from the Pacific Islands, the Americas and Asia, Volume 2, Bern:SpringerNature.

Zandvliet, D. & Ortega, I. (2023) Place-based curriculum in Indigenous settings: Stories behind two signature projects. In Chinn, P. and Nelson-Barber, S. (Eds.) Indigenous STEM Education – Perspectives from the Pacific Islands, the Americas and Asia, Volume 2, Bern:SpringerNature.

Sturrock, G. & Zandvliet, D.B. (2023). Effective Teaching: Linking Outcomes of Active Citizenship to Learning Environments. In Maulana, R. (Ed). Effective Teaching Around the World: Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights. Bern:SpringerNature.

Karrow, D. Fazio, X. & Zandvliet, D.B. (2021). Nomenclature and Discourse of Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education. In Peters, M.A. (Ed)(2021), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer, Singapore.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6_460-1

Zandvliet, D. (2018). Looking back and looking forward. In Zandvliet D.B. & Fraser, B.J. (Eds.) (2018, Oct.). Thirty Years of Learning Environments (pp. XX-XX). Rotterdam: Brill/Sense.

Perera, V.N., Rotinsulu, W., Tasirin, J., & Zandvliet, D.B. (2017). Indonesian Adventures: Developing an Ecology of Place on Sulawesi utara. In Reis, G., & Scott, G.(Eds.), International Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Education: A Reader. Springer.

Ormond, C.G.A., & Zandvliet, D.B. (2016). Place-based Learning Environments: Environmental Education in Teacher Education. In R. Taconis, & P.J. den Brok (Eds.), Teacher creating context-based learning environments in science. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D. (2015). Learning Environment Instruments. Entry in the Encyclopedia of Science Education, Gunstone, D. (Ed.). New York, Springer.    

Ormond, C.G.A., & Zandvliet, D.B. (2014). Learning environments in higher education: A Study of Environmental Education Programming in Teacher Education. In Zandvliet, et. al (Eds.). Interpersonal relationships in education: From theory to practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D. (2014). Learning Environment Instruments. In Gunstone, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education, Available online (xxxx). New York, Springer.

Dejardins, A. Hauser, S., McRae, J., Ormond, C., Rogers, D. & Zandvliet, D.B.     (2014). Harnessing youth activism with/in undergraduate education - Case study of Change Lab. In M. P. Mueller & D. Tippins (Eds.), Ecojustice, citizen science and youth activism. New York: Springer.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2013). Developing Smiles: Evaluating Place-based Learning. In Zandvliet, D.B. (Ed.), The Ecology of School: Perspectives on place-based learning environments (pp. 105–120). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Ormond, C., Teed, S., Piersol, L. & Zandvliet, D.B. (2013). Development of the Learning Environment. In Zandvliet, D.B. (Ed.), The Ecology of School: Perspectives on place-based learning environments (pp. 29–42). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2013). Environmental Learning. In Zandvliet, D.B. (Ed.), The Ecology of School: Perspectives on place-based learning environments (pp. 1–18). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D. (2012). Enhancing Environmental Learning through Controversy. In Wals, A. and Blaze-Corcoran, P. (Eds.), Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change (pp. 317–327).

Zandvliet, D., (2012). ICT Learning Environments and Science Education: Perception to Practice. In Fraser, B.J, Tobin , K. and McRobbie, C. (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Science Education (pp. 1277–1289). New York: Springer.

Zandvliet, D., Holmes, M. and Starzner, M. (2011, April). Seaquaria in Schools: Participatory approaches in the evaluation of an exemplary environmental education program. In Vander Flier-Keller, E., Blades, D., Pelton, T., Yore, L. and Zandvliet, D. (Eds.), CRYSTAL Pacific Centre: Lessons Learned over 5 Years (2005–2010). Sense Publishers.

Teed, S., Zandvliet, D. and Ormond, C. (2011, April). Enhancing Science Education through an Online Repository of Controversial, Socioscientific News Stories. In Vander Flier-Keller, E., Blades, D., Pelton, T., Yore, L. and Zandvliet, D. (Eds.), CRYSTAL Pacific Centre: Lessons Learned over 5 Years (2005–2010). Sense Publishers.

Ormond, C., Zandvliet, D. and Teed, S. (2011, April). The Development of a Place-based Learning Environment at the Bowen Island Community School. In Vander Flier-Keller, E., Blades, D., Pelton, T., Yore, L. and Zandvliet, D. (Eds.), CRYSTAL Pacific Centre: Lessons Learned over 5 Years (2005–2010). Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2010). Responding to Place. In Tippins, D.J., Mueller, M.P., van Eijck, M., & Adams, J.D. (Eds.), Cultural studies and environmentalism: The confluence of ecojustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems (pp. 303–313). New York: Springer.

Zandvliet, D., Ormond, C., Teed, S., Hotton, V., Young, M. and ten Kate, Q. M. T. (2009). Diversity in Environmental Education. In Zandvliet, D.B. (Ed.), Diversity in Environmental Education Research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Koul, R. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2009). Diversity in Environmental Education. Place-based Learning Environments in India, Mauritius & Australia. In Zandvliet, D.B. (Ed.), Diversity in Environmental Education Research. Rotterdam: Sense.

Ashe, S., Caulkins M., Judson, G., Mulder ten Kate, Q. and Zandvliet, D.B. (2007). Sustainability as an open question, in Zandvliet, D.B. and Fisher, D.L. (Eds.), Sustainable communities, sustainable environments: the contribution of science and technology education (pp. 1–11). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Zandvliet, D.B., Moore, J., Holden, M. and Van Wynesburghe, R. (2006). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the Great Northern Way, in Filho, L. (Ed.), Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development (pp. 265–282).  Hamburg: MCB Press.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2003). Towards a Holistic View of Environmental Education. In D. Hodson (Ed.), OISE Papers in STSE. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Zandvliet, D. (2003). Learning environments in new contexts: Web-capable classrooms in Canada. In M.S. Khine and D. Fisher (Eds.), Technology-rich Learning Environments: A Future Perspective (pp. 133–156). Singapore: World Scientific.

Zandvliet, D.B. (2002, Aug.). Learning Environments in Technology-rich Classrooms. In G.S Chiew and M.S. Khine (Eds.), Studies in Educational Learning Environments: an International Perspective. Singapore: World Scientific.

