Graduate Student Supervision
Current Supervision/Committee Work
Student Name | Program | Role | Thesis Title |
Yué Bizenjima-Chrea | PhD in Educational Theory and Practice |
Pro Tem supervisor |
Neva Whintors | PhD in Educational Theory and Practice | Pro Tem supervisor | TBD |
Melanie Smith | PhD in Educational Theory and Practice | Pro Tem supervisor | TBD |
Jenise Boland | PhD in Educational Theory and Practice | Committee member | Captive or Captivated?: A Self-Study and Phenomenological Consideration of the Intersection of Arts, Academics, and Audiencing in Student Engagement. |
Tim Dueck | PhD in Educational Theory and Practice | Committee member | The role of instructor social positioning in social work education: An autoethnography. |
Thesis Completed
Student Name | Degree/Date completed | Role | Thesis Title |
Zhang, Qi | MA / 2013-2 | Internal Examiner |
Exploring the experiences of faculty-led teams in conducting ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Teaching and Learning Development Grant projects |
Dougherty, M. | EdD / 2019-2 | Internal Examiner | The Transition from Post-Secondary Education to Work: Power, Performativity, and Entanglement in Becoming Social Service Workers |
Milly Ng | PhD / 2019-3 | Committee Member | Teachers’ perception of challenging classroom behaviours |
Lynda Beveridge | PhD/2020-1 | Co-supervisor | Witnessing a mosaic emerge: The phenomenon of transformative learning within a professional master’s degree program. |
Tanis Sawkins | PhD/2020-3 | Committee Member | Arts-informed evaluation: A tool for understanding capitals, imagined communities and investment for migrant women in employment programs. |
Donna Usher | MA/2021-1 | Internal Examiner | Where Teachers Teach: Portraits of Arts Educators and their Classrooms |
Kristy Dellebuur O'Connor. | PhD/2022-1 | Committee Member | Ethical Entanglements: Decolonization in Child and Youth Care Education. Educational Theory and Practice. |
Tatyana Terzopoulos | PhD/2022-2 | External Examiner (York University) | Centering girls’ (media-making) stories: A pandemic exploration of video storytellers & their practices, personas, and projects |
Kari Gustafson | PhD/2022-2 | Committee Member | Endlessly Becoming Orc: How role-playing games and neuroatypicality might help us re-imagine learning |
Mark Littlefield | EdD/2022-2 | Internal Examiner | Emergent identity in child and youth care practice and education |
Reuben Jentink | MA/2022-3 | Examiner | Three Turns About the Garden: On Gardening as Educational World-Making |
Kristin Abeyewardene | Ed D/2023-2 | Co-supervisor | Peering In: An autoethnographic inquiry of a parent/educator with a young child in school |
Jacqueline Barreiro | PhD/2023-2 | Internal Examiner | Of Volcanoes, Pedagogies, and Possibilities: Towards Posthumanist Pedagogies of Critique |
M.Ed. Supervisor
2021-1 | MEd EP - Supervisor (17 students) |
2020-2 | MEd EP - Supervisor (25 students) |
2019-2 | MEd C & I - Supervisor (24 students) |
2019-1 | MEd EP - Supervisor (20 students) |
2018-2 | MEd EP - Supervisor (21 students) |
2015-1 | MEd EP - Supervisor (20 students) |
2014-2 | MEd EP - Supervisor (19 students) |
2013-1 | MEd EP Supervisor (20 students) |
2013-2 | MEd EP Supervisor (19 students) |
Comprehensive Examination Reader
2023-2 MEd, (Manjinder Deol)
2022-3 PhD (Tim Dueck)
2021-1 MEd EP (17 students)
2021-1 PhD (Kari Gustafson)
2020-3 PhD (Kristy Dellebuur O'Connor)
2020-3 MEd (Miles Reid)
2020-2 MEd EP (25 students)
2019-2 MEd C & I (24 students)
2019-1 MEd EP (20 students)
2018-2 MEd EP (21 students)
2017-3 EdD (Yearin Kim, Kat Mulski, Kelly Robinson, Sarine Sadhra, and Tanis Sawkins)
2017-1 PhD (Milly Ng)
2017-1 MEd EP (22 students)
2016-2 MEd EP (15 students)
2016-1 MEd EP (12 students)
2015-2 MEd EP (20 students)
2015-1 PhD (Lynda Beveridge)
2015-1 MEd EP (20 students)
2014-2 MEd EP (19 students)
2013-1 MEd EP (20 students)
2013-2 MEd EP (19 students)
2012-1 MEd EP (17 students)
2012-2 MEd EP (22 students)
2011-3 PhD (Isti Rokhiyah)
2011-1 MEd EP (10 students)
Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Reader
- 2021 (expected completion, spring 2021): Tanis Sawkins
- 2020 (expected completion, April 2020): Lynda Beveridge
- 2017-3: Yearin Kim, Kat Mulski, Kelly Robinson, Sarine Sadhra, and Tanis Sawkins
- 2017-1: Milly Ng
- 2015-1: Lynda Beveridge
- 2011-3: Isti Rokhiyah
Supervision of Research Assistants
- 2024-Present: Rachel Upton, Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry
- 2023-Present: Neva Whintors, Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry
- 2022-2023: Rayhanah Youssef, Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves: Towards a posthuman ecological action-research methodology
- 2022-2023: Kate MacDonald, Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves: Towards a posthuman ecological action-research methodology
- 2017-2019: David Barnum, Community Needs Assesment project