
Graduate Student Supervision

Current Supervision/Committee Work

Student Name Program Role Thesis Title  
Yué Bizenjima-Chrea PhD in Educational Theory and Practice
Pro Tem supervisor
Neva Whintors PhD in Educational Theory and Practice Pro Tem supervisor TBD  
Melanie Smith PhD in Educational Theory and Practice Pro Tem supervisor TBD  
Jenise Boland PhD in Educational Theory and Practice Committee member Captive or Captivated?: A Self-Study and Phenomenological Consideration of the Intersection of Arts, Academics, and Audiencing in Student Engagement.  
Tim Dueck PhD in Educational Theory and Practice Committee member The role of instructor social positioning in social work education: An autoethnography.

Thesis Completed

Student Name Degree/Date completed Role Thesis Title
Zhang, Qi MA / 2013-2 Internal  
Exploring the experiences of faculty-led teams in conducting ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Teaching and Learning Development Grant projects
Dougherty, M. EdD / 2019-2 Internal Examiner The Transition from Post-Secondary Education to Work: Power, Performativity, and Entanglement in Becoming Social Service Workers
Milly Ng   PhD / 2019-3 Committee Member Teachers’ perception of challenging classroom behaviours
Lynda Beveridge PhD/2020-1 Co-supervisor Witnessing a mosaic emerge: The phenomenon of transformative learning within a professional master’s degree program.  
Tanis Sawkins PhD/2020-3 Committee Member Arts-informed evaluation: A tool for understanding capitals, imagined communities and investment for migrant women in employment programs.
Donna Usher MA/2021-1 Internal Examiner   Where Teachers Teach: Portraits of Arts Educators and their Classrooms
Kristy Dellebuur O'Connor.   PhD/2022-1 Committee Member Ethical Entanglements: Decolonization in Child and Youth Care Education. Educational Theory and Practice.
Tatyana Terzopoulos PhD/2022-2 External Examiner (York University) Centering girls’ (media-making) stories: 
A pandemic exploration of video storytellers & their practices, personas, and projects
Kari Gustafson PhD/2022-2 Committee Member Endlessly Becoming Orc: How role-playing games and neuroatypicality might help us re-imagine learning
Mark Littlefield EdD/2022-2 Internal Examiner Emergent identity in child and youth care practice and education
Reuben Jentink MA/2022-3 Examiner Three Turns About the Garden: On Gardening as Educational World-Making
Kristin Abeyewardene Ed D/2023-2 Co-supervisor Peering In: An autoethnographic inquiry of a parent/educator with a young child in school
Jacqueline Barreiro PhD/2023-2 Internal Examiner Of Volcanoes, Pedagogies, and Possibilities: Towards Posthumanist Pedagogies of Critique

M.Ed. Supervisor

2021-1 MEd EP - Supervisor (17 students)
2020-2 MEd EP - Supervisor (25 students)
2019-2 MEd C & I - Supervisor (24 students)
2019-1 MEd EP - Supervisor (20 students)
2018-2 MEd EP - Supervisor (21 students)
2015-1 MEd EP - Supervisor (20 students)
2014-2 MEd EP - Supervisor (19 students)
2013-1 MEd EP Supervisor (20 students)
2013-2 MEd EP Supervisor (19 students)

Comprehensive Examination Reader

2023-2    MEd, (Manjinder Deol)

2022-3    PhD (Tim Dueck)

2021-1    MEd EP (17 students)

2021-1    PhD (Kari Gustafson)

2020-3    PhD (Kristy Dellebuur O'Connor) 

2020-3    MEd (Miles Reid)

2020-2    MEd EP (25 students)

2019-2    MEd C & I (24 students)

2019-1    MEd EP (20 students) 

2018-2    MEd EP (21 students)

2017-3    EdD (Yearin Kim, Kat Mulski, Kelly Robinson, Sarine Sadhra, and Tanis Sawkins)

2017-1    PhD (Milly Ng)

2017-1    MEd EP (22 students) 

2016-2    MEd EP (15 students)

2016-1    MEd EP (12 students)

2015-2    MEd EP (20 students)

2015-1    PhD (Lynda Beveridge) 

2015-1    MEd EP (20 students)

2014-2    MEd EP (19 students)

2013-1    MEd EP (20 students)

2013-2    MEd EP (19 students) 

2012-1    MEd EP (17 students)

2012-2    MEd EP (22 students)

2011-3    PhD (Isti Rokhiyah)

2011-1    MEd EP (10 students)

Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Reader

  • 2021 (expected completion, spring 2021): Tanis Sawkins
  • 2020 (expected completion, April 2020): Lynda Beveridge
  • 2017-3: Yearin Kim, Kat Mulski, Kelly Robinson, Sarine Sadhra, and Tanis Sawkins
  • 2017-1: Milly Ng
  • 2015-1: Lynda Beveridge
  • 2011-3: Isti Rokhiyah

Supervision of Research Assistants

  • 2024-Present: Rachel Upton, Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry
  • 2023-Present: Neva Whintors, Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry
  • 2022-2023: Rayhanah Youssef, Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves: Towards a posthuman ecological action-research methodology
  • 2022-2023: Kate MacDonald, Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves: Towards a posthuman ecological action-research methodology
  • 2017-2019: David Barnum, Community Needs Assesment project