

External Grants

  • 2023
    Co-investigator. (Lin, Aryal, Bruce, Dema, Hill, Irwin, Khadka, Kumpulainen, Lawrence, Sherab, & Shrestha). Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry.
    New Frontiers in Research Funds Special Call Research for Post-pandemic Recovery. $493 608.
  • 2021
    Principal Investigator. (Hill). Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves: Towards a posthuman ecological action-research methodology.
    SSHRC Insight Development Grant. $74 998.
  • 2021
    Collaborator (de Castell, Hill, Toohey, Bryson, Jenson, Herbert, Thumlert). Para-Cognitive Play: What Classroom Ecologies Can Teach Us About Game-Based Learning and Assessment.
    SSHRC Insight Grant. $236 380.
  • 2020
    Co-investigator (MacDonald & Hill). Teacher and Family Experience of COVID-19.
    SSHRC Small Grant. $10 000.  
  • 2020
    Co-investigator (Blenkinsop, Fettes, Hill, Rosehart). Developing place and nature-based experiential education practices in public schools and teacher education.
    SSHRC Insight Grant. $230 922.

Internal Grants

  • 2024
    Principal Investigator. (Hill & Bailey). The River Knows What It Needs: Our Responsibility to the Fraser. A Transdisciplinary Symposium.
    Community Engagement Initiative, 間眅埶AV. $3500
  • 2024
    Principal Investigator. (Hill & Bailey). The River Knows What It Needs: Our Responsibility to the Fraser. A Transdisciplinary Symposium.
    VPA Conference Funding, 間眅埶AV. $2000.
  • 2023
    Principal Investigator. (Hill, *Hotti, *Corrick, *James, *Bailey, & ** Cheverie). Beyond the Equity Scan: Catalyzing the Resurgence of Local Indigenous Knowledges, Pre-colonial Pedagogies, and Inclusive Practices within Schools.
    Community Engagement Grant. $5750.
  • 2022
    Principal Investigator. (Hill). Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves.
    VPR Travel Grant (Pool 2), 間眅埶AV. $1,950.
  • 2022
    Principal Investigator. (Hill). Learning to care for salmon, our communities and ourselves.
    Community-Engaged Research Funding Program. 間眅埶AV, $5 000.
  • 2019
    Lex戔矇ywa: Passing the Torch to You: MEd in Educational Practice Alumni Conference
    VPA Conference Funding, Internal 間眅埶AV Fund, $3,250
  • 2018
    qicy and q妢a:nn Creek Restoration Project
    Community Engagment Grant, $6,700
  • 2015
    M.Ed EP Alumni Conference
    50th Anniversary Conference Funding, $6,000
  • 2014
    Practitioner-Scholar Dialogue Series
    Community Engagement Grant, $5,000
  • 2014
    Professional Online Scholarship & Training
    POST Initiative Seed Funds, $5,000
  • 20122013
    An Investigation into Teacher Inquiry Methodology in Teacher Education
    Principle Investigator: Margaret MacDonald; Co-Investigator: Cher Hill
    間眅埶AV Teaching and Learning Centre Grant, $10,000

Unfunded applications 

  • 2019
    Principal Investigator (Hill, *Bailey, *Power) qicy and q妢a:nn Creek Restoration Project.
    SSHRC partnership grant. 