Graduate Student Supervision
Doctoral Theses Senior Supervisor
Pennefather, Patrick (PhD, 2016), Mentoring strategies in a project-based learning environment: A focus on self-regulation
Hum, Gregory (PhD, 2016), Learning Experiences During Postgraduate Studies in the Sciences: Exploring Variations and Outcomes
Boelryk, Annique (PhD, 2014), Professional learning and post-secondary teaching: Investigating facultys lived experience of development in teaching practice
Wilson, Mary (PhD, 2012), Faculty development in higher education. A meta-synthesis of the literature
Edwards, Barbara (EdD, 2009), It takes a village: Perceptions of the 間眅埶AV research assistant experience
McCaughan, Kareen (PhD, 2008), Problem-based learning tutors beliefs and challenges
McComb, Tina (EdD, 2007), I wont, I might, I am: Undergraduate women and Stages of Change for participation in leadership development activities
Kaahanui, Kamuela (EdD, 2003), Post-secondary counselling preferences among native Hawaiians
Moxness, Katherine (PhD, 2001), Individual instructors perceptions of teaching context: Identifying facilitators and barriers to completion of teaching projects
Barise, Abdullahi (PhD, 1998), The effectiveness of case-based instruction vs. the lecture-discussion method in multicultural social work
Gryspeerdt, Danielle (PhD, 1997), Factors influencing change in the conceptualization and practice of university teaching: Two case studies of novice instructors
Masters Theses Senior Supervisor
Bischoff, Pam (2015), Exploring Barriers and Enablers to Technology Integration into Pedagogical Practice
Zhang, Qi (2013), Exploring the experiences of faculty-led teams in conducting 間眅埶AV Teaching and Learning Development Grant projects
Sator, Andrea (2010), An Exploration of Transfer of Learning Opportunities in an On-line Cooperative Education Preparatory Curriculum
Mundy, Amrit (2008), A Comparison of course outlines before and after a faculty development workshop
Vogt, Krista (2007), Leadership development at university: Comparing student leaders with different levels of involvement in a leadership program
Krbavac, Marie (2006), An examination of mathematics self-efficacy and performance: A classroom research study
Manuputty, Richard (2000), Enhancing student self-assessment through criterion-reference evaluation: An action-research study in teaching and learning writing at Pattimura University Ambon, Indonesia
Price, Nancy (1997), An investigation of the relationships between learning context, student approach to learning and student learning outcomes in distance education
Joly, Michelle (1995), A comparative analysis of approaches to course design and development in distance education
Rogerson, Helene (1993), Investigation of the instructional role of fax and electronic mail in three distance education courses with differing learning goals
Gryspeerdt, Danielle (1991), The effects of prior knowledge on meaningful learning in the university classroom