

Research Funding/Projects (most recent)

  • 2010–2014
    Developmental Trajectories of doctoral candidate through new appointee: A longitudinal study of academic identity construction
    Principal Investigator: McAlpine; Amundsen
    SSHRC, $171,270
  • 2008–2009
    The Faculty Development Literature: A Characterization of Practice and the Thinking Underpinning Practice
    Principle Investigator: Amundsen
    Educational Developers Caucus of the Society for the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), $2,500
    Funding to complete a literature review.
  • 2006–2009
    Reframing Canadian social sciences and humanities doctoral programs: A learning perspective
    Principal Investigator: McAlpine; Amundsen, Paré; Starke-Meyerring
    SSHRC, $156,858
  • 2003–2006
    A faculty development approach that focuses on learning for the effective integration of technology in higher education
    Principal Investigator: Amundsen; Weston; Abrami; McAlpine
    SSHRC, $179,384

Development (selected)

  • 2007â€Ëð°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Teaching and Learning Development Grants program
    Funding provided by the VP, Acadmic’s office