
400-Level Electives

These educational goals apply to the following courses:

  • ECON 410: Seminar in Monetary Theory
  • ECON 425: Industrial Organization: Imperfect Competition
  • ECON 426W: Industrial Organization: Governance and Institutions
  • ECON 427W: Industrial Organization: Law and Economics
  • ECON 428: Seminar in Experimental and Behavioural Economics
  • ECON 433: Financial and Time Series Econometrics
  • ECON 434: Seminar in Applied Market Design
  • ECON 436: Seminar in Economics and Social Network Analysis
  • ECON 437: Seminar in Urban Economics
  • ECON 443: Seminar in International Trade
  • ECON 446: Seminar in International Finance
  • ECON 448W: Seminar in the Economics of Crime
  • ECON 450W: Seminar in Quantitative Economic History
  • ECON 453: Seminar in the Economics of Education
  • ECON 454W: Seminar in the Economics of the Family
  • ECON 455: Topics in Economic Development
  • ECON 460: Seminar in Environmental Economics
  • ECON 480: Seminar in the Economics of Labor Market Policy

*Note: all skills at this level are Developing, not Introductory

Analyze and Interpret economic models

  • Solve and interpret economic models commonly used in the course's subject area (D) 
  • Apply economic concepts and models learnt in core courses to the course's subject area (D)
  • Identify main economic concepts related to the course's subject area (D)

Analyze and Interpret economic data

  • Interpret key economic data (D)
  • Interpret statistical evidence and methodology (D)
  • Interpret empirical evidence related to topics studied in the course's subject area (D)

Critically assess economic arguments, assumptions, and evidence

  • Discuss the role of theory, evidence, and measurement in economic analysis (D)
  • Critically evaluate assumptions in economic/econometric models (D)
  • Critically evaluate the economic arguments on issues related to the course's subject area (D) 
  • Critically evaluate the empirical evidence on issues related to the course's subject area (D)

Use oral, written, and graphical methods to communicate economic insights

  • Formulate written economic arguments evaluating or supporting a position (D)
  • Present economic arguments by means of graphs, charts and tables (D)
  • Present economic arguments verbally (D)
  • Use multiple methods in combination to communicate economic insights (D)

Use economic concepts to understand real-world human activity and public policy

  • Apply economics to everyday situations (D)
  • Use economics to evaluate specific policies (D)
  • Evaluate current events using tools of economics (D)
  • Use economic tools to analyse current issues related to the course's subject area (D)

Describe and analyze important economic institutions, events, and results

  • Describe important institutions in the economy and their roles (D)
  • Describe main empirical findings in the course's subject area (D)
  • Describe main theoretical findings in the course's subject area (D)
  • Describe main policies related to course's subject area (D)
  • Describe main trends and events related to course's subject area (D) 
* ECON 400 Electives Educational Goals.pdf
400-level Electives Educational Goals