
  • 55th Anniversary

Celebrating 55 years of excellence

Economics Student Leadership Fund

The Economics Student Leadership Fund will provide programming and financial support to sponsor students to case competitions such as the Bank of Canada Governor’s Challenge, organizing career workshops, and creating opportunities for students to connect with our vast alumni network. The fund will also support students to expand their academic aspirations by sending graduate students to participate in international conferences and honours students to present at the annual Bank of Canada–Canadian Economics Association student paper competition.

Our Students

Our newly established will go towards supporting student initiatives that enrich the educational experience and create transformative learning opportunities.

The financial support from the Department of Economics has really added value to some of our biggest events, namely the case competition and our annual Career Night. The case competition is a great starting point for students to get more involved, and the Department's funding has helped us boost its value and provide incentives for more students to join. Taking part in this event is an invaluable experience, and students from past competitions have even gone on to work for the Bank of Canada or establish their own start-ups. 

Thanks to the Department's support, this year's Career Night saw our highest student turnout to date. The funding we received helped us double the number of professionals to participate at our event, so students were able to make more connections across a variety of industries, gain valuable career insights, and some even landed job offers. 

, BA Economics, 2021
President (2019-2020),

It was exciting to be selected by the Bank of Canada and the Canadian Economics Association (BOC-CEA) as one of the top 12 papers! Presenting at the BOC-CEA student paper competition gave me the opportunity to learn from other outstanding students across Canada, and to learn more about the latest trends in economics and policies. My achievement would never have been possible without the help I received from my instructors.

Making Connections and Giving Back

When pandemic measures kicked-in and we had to pivot to remote learning, we wanted to continue providing opportunities for students to connect with our vast alumni network safely from the confines of their homes. The response from our alumni base has been phenomenal and we've had alumni from all over the world volunteering their time and connecting with us virtually to share their experiences with our students. Check out below some of the recordings from our Economics Alumni Speaker Series. 

If you would like to get involved, please contact azam_bhatti@sfu.ca and join

BA (Hon.) Economics, 2011
Finance Lead, Google Domains
San Francisco, USA 

BA Economics, 1996
Principal Project Manager, Microsoft
Seattle, USA 

BA Economics, 2017
Balanace Sheet Management Associate, HSBC 
London, UK 

MA Economics, 2011
Senior Director of Revenue Growth, Hootsuite
Vancouver, BC