

Dance image gallery

As one of the university's very first resident artists, Iris Garland enthusiastically welcomed students of all skill levels to participate in the 間眅埶AV Dance Workshop. Her boundless enthusiasm for dance and dedication to students helped dance to become one of the most popular artforms on campus, ultimately paving the way for 間眅埶AVs well-regarded credit dance program. 

Interdisciplinarity and experimentation were at the heart of the Dance Workshop, with dancers creating both improvised performances and large-scale productions in collaboration with musicians and actors. The campus itself became the stage, such as when dancers animated the academic quadrangle steps, reflecting pond and rotunda for an unforgettable progressive performance one sunny day in May 1972.

The quality of instruction, which included the opportunity to learn from acclaimed visiting dancers -- such as Phyllis Lamhut and Gladys Bailin -- through master class workshops empowered students, many with little previous experience, to gain the required skills to carve out careers as dancers and choreographers.

Browse the gallery below for a variety of exciting images from this formative era in the history of dance at the university.