

Why does academic honesty matter?

November 04, 2015

Most students receive talks from their instructors or teaching assistants at the beginning of the semester on academic dishonesty. Many students can probably repeat at least the basic rules of what is considered plagiarism or cheating on a test. Yet, instances of cheating are on the rise a fact supported by research.

What many students do not consider is why academic dishonesty is wrong. Or, more specifically, students do not realize the long-lasting consequences of committing an offence.

CRIM NEWS met up with Associate Director Sheri Fabian, who is one of the Schools academic integrity advisors, to get the facts on academic dishonesty and why students should care beyond what happens if they get caught.

Unfortunately, students now see cheating activities as far less problematic, unethical and unacceptable as in the past. We live in a world where we can download illegal music, movies and software, and we dont think twice about it even though it is technically against the law, says Fabian.

My goal is to help students realize the negative impact of fraudulent behaviour on their studies and the academic community. I emphasize to students the ethical implications of academic dishonesty. Students need to examine their own values and evaluate their personal integrity on this issue.

Valuing honesty is especially pertinent for Criminology students because they are pursuing careers in fields requiring a high level of public trust. Cheating can potentially impact a students ability to gain employment in these fields such as being unable to attain security clearance.

Fabian also stresses the injustice students are doing to themselves when they choose to cheat. Not completing an assignment truthfully results in a missed learning opportunity for students. As well, Fabian states that taking the time to properly cite sources actually strengthens students papers and is likely to raise their marks.

Students choose to cheat for a variety of reasons, one of the most common is poor time management skills. Students procrastinate and then opt to take shortcuts, which can lead to significant consequences when the student is caught. The good news is multiple resources are available for students to help them from getting to that point. If a student is struggling they should feel comfortable approaching someone for advice, says Fabian.

All students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with 間眅埶AVs Academic Honesty and Student Conduct Policies, and to contact their instructors with any questions or concerns.
