Evan McCuish is an Associate Professor at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the Principal Investigator of the Incarcerated Serious and Violent Young Offender Study, which has been ongoing since 1998 and involves the examination of approximately 1,700 system-involved youth followed into adulthood. He is the recipient of the American Psychology-Law Society Outstanding Dissertation Award (First Place) and the American Society of Criminology Division of Developmental and Life Course Criminology Early Career Research Award (Co-Winner). His research interests include desistance, developmental criminology, and psychopathy. His work is published in Psychological Assessment, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Crime and Delinquency, Sexual Abuse, Justice Quarterly, and Journal of Quantitative Criminology. His book The Life-Course of Serious and Violent Youth Grown Up: A Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study is available from Routledge. He is currently involved in examining the social network structure of serious and violent offenders.
Criminal careers; desistance;developmental criminology; life course criminology; psychopathy; sexual offending; violence; young offenders.
- MA, PhD (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV)
Currently accepting graduate students.
- McCuish, E.C., Lussier, P., & Corrado, R.R. (2021). The life-course of serious and violent youth grown up: A twenty-year longitudinal study. Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
- Lussier, P., McCuish, E.C., & Cale, J. (2021). Understanding sexual offending: An evidence-based response to myths and misconceptions. Springer.
- McCuish, E.C., Lussier, P., & Rocque, M. (2020). Maturation beyond age: The influence of psychosocial, adult role, and identity maturation on offending. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(2), 479-493. doi:
- McCuish, E.C. & Lussier, P. (2021). Describing changes in features of psychopathy via an individual-level measure of P(Δ). Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 37, 891-913. doi:
- McCuish, E.C., Bouchard, M., & Beauregard, E. (2020). A network-based examination of the longitudinal association between psychopathy and offending versatility. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 37(3), 693-714. doi: 10.1007/s10940-020-09462-w
- McCuish, E.C., Lussier, P., & Corrado, R.R. (2018). Incarceration as a turning point? The impact of custody experiences and identity change on community reentry. Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 4(4), 427-448. doi: 10.1007/s40865-018-0088-7
- McCuish, E.C., Lussier, P., & Corrado, R.R. (2016). Criminal careers of juvenile sex and non-sex offenders: Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 14(3), 199-224. doi: 10.1177/1541204014567541
- McCuish, E.C., Bouchard, M., & Corrado, R. R. (2015). The search for suitable homicide co-offenders among gang members. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31(5), 319-336. doi: 10.1177/1043986214553375
- McCuish, E.C., Lussier, P., & Corrado, R.R. (2015). . Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 27(4), 414-438. doi:10.1177/1079063213517268
- McCuish, E.C., Corrado, R.R., Lussier, P., & Hart, S.D. (2014). Psychopathic traits and offending trajectories from early adolescence to adulthood. Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(1), 66-76.
The Incarcerated Serious and Violent Young Offender Study (Principal Investigator)
- 2020-2024: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant ($165,861)
- 2019-2021: Public Safety Canada ($122,536)
- 2016-2019: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant (($140,731)
Deconstructing the Notion of Risk of Sexual Recidivism: An International Observatory of Research and Practices (Co-Investigator)
- 2019-2021: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant ($217,143)
- American Society of Criminology, Division of Developmental and Life Couse Criminology - 2019: Early Career Researcher Award (Co-Winner)
- American Psychology and Law Society - 2017: Outstanding Dissertation Award (First Place)
Evan McCuish is an Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice and sits on the Editorial Boards of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Journal of Youth and Adolescence. He is a member of the Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the International Centre for Comparative Criminology. He acts as a consultant for various municipalities in British Columbia and conducts training sessions for Correctional Services of Canada Parole Officers. He was most recently a Visiting Scholar at Griffith University where he delivered talks on longitudinal research on offending and youth justice.
- CRIM 103 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour
- CRIM 210 - Law, Youth and Young Offenders
- CRIM 310 - Young Offenders and Criminal Justice: Advanced Topics
- CRIM 414 - Special Topics in Criminology
- CRIM 861 - Quantitative Methods
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Future courses may be subject to change.