
Working Students

You’ve done it! You’ve secured a co-op work term - congrats! Your hard work, dedication and preparation paid off.

Since Co-op is an educational program that integrates your academic studies with your personal and professional development,  here are core components to complete for a successful and impactful work term.

Setting Learning Objectives

Think about what you want to gain from this work experience. Prepare your Learning Objectives (3 or more) and talk about them with your new supervisor during the first couple of weeks of your job so they can support your achievement of these goals. Upload your Learning Objectives to MyExperience so they can be part of the conversation during your Co-op site meeting.

Completing Site Visit Document

Complete the Site Visit Document which you’ll find in the Canvas course for working students.

Site Visit with Co-op Coordinator

A Co-op Coordinator will connect with you about setting up a date and time to meet with you and your supervisor. This may be in person, via phone or by online video conference, and are usually held around the mid-point of your workterm. During this meeting, you’ll have the chance to tell your Coordinator how things are going, what you’re learning, and also address your questions or concerns. Of course, if something comes up before your site visit, please contact your primary Co-op Coordinator.

End of term documents:
Supervisor Evaluation, Student Evaluation, updated Resume, Work Report

Your Work Report is due the last month of your workterm, along with your Student Evaluation and an updated resume. You’ll find guidelines and deadline information for the work report in the Canvas course for working students and details about the different kinds of work report options – including workterm overview, information interviews, blog article, portfolio and organization summaries. Co-op Supervisors will also complete an Evaluation of your work performance and share feedback with you.