
New Students

You’ve been accepted to Co-op! Congratulations! We look forward to working with you.

And here’s what happens next…

New Student Orientation (Online Course)

We’ve developed an online Co-op Orientation course in Canvas to help you navigate your preparation semester – it’s full of helpful tips , plus practical information to help you get ready for a successful Co-op job search.

Preparation for Co-op (Online Course)

We have an asynchronous online Canvas course which runs for approximately 4 weeks. It focuses on fundamental curriculum such as skills transfer, creating strong resumes, accomplishment statements, effective cover letters, interviewing skills and other important curriculum.

Because the course is asynchronous and online, it allows you to learn in a way that better fits your own schedule, but within a certain timeframe.

All Arts Co-op students need to participate in, complete and successfully pass this course in order to move on to the next stage.


Whether it’s face-to-face, over Skype, Zoom or on the phone, we’ll spend time with you to ensure you’re job-ready! You’ll have an individualized ‘Seeking Evaluation’ session after you’ve finished the workshops to ensure you (and your resume!) are ready to start applying for work term job postings. You’re welcome to arrange a meeting with us for follow up questions, and hey, you can always email or call us too!)