
Janelle Kennedy

About Janelle:

I am proud to be educated as a Social Worker through the University of Manitoba and strive to consider both individual and collective wellbeing in the work that I do. I have a passion for collective impact and truly believe in the inherent rewards of stepping up to be a change maker within your community. While municipal government provides a framework for good governance, nothing beats the power of residents deciding what is important to them and acting on it. Within my role, I have been honored to work on projects that see special events, gathering places and youth areas come to life.

The CED program is the perfect blend of pulling together all the elements that make a community vibrant and vital for its residents. Rural communities are such an exciting place to be and I have full confidence that the CED program will allow me to better understand existing development gaps, and creatively discover innovative solutions.  I look forward to increasing my understanding on how to encourage an inclusive and diverse economy that best represents the people it serves.