
Constance Azak

My passion is Nisga'a language and culture, and I believe if more youth were engaged in our culture--and if they leave Nisga'a lands for education or employment outside our lands--that they would want to return home to begin their careers, enriching their own lives and those of the Nisga'a people.

Tell us about your work in your community

I am the intern at Nisga'a Lisims Government. For the first half of my term I will be job shadowing the Director of Programs and Services, learning how our government works, and for the next part of the term I will be working in economic development with the Prince Rupert Nisga'a Society under Nisga'a Lisims Government.

Tell us a story about a time you brought people together to improve your community.

I am a volunteer in my community dance group, Gitwinksihlkw Four Crest Dancers, which includes communications with executive members and dance members. As well as assisting in organizing cultural functions such as Hobiyee where the Four Crest Dancers are the organizers.

What problems are you trying to solve?

As I usually say, if I can inspire at least one person to walk this path (Nisga'a education and careers) I'm going to do it. Our current leaders and past leaders emphasize the need for our people to come home and work for our people and I take that to heart. My passion is Nisga'a language and culture, and I believe if more youth were engaged in our culture--and if they leave Nisga'a lands for education or employment outside our lands--that they would want to return home to begin their careers, enriching their own lives and those of the Nisga'a people.

What do you need to learn how to do in order to solve those problems?

In observing the various tasks of my supervisor, I recognize that I have a lot to learn in terms of administration. And in my time with working with elders I have a lot more to learn in our history and gathering information, and conveying that information correctly according to our Nisga'a laws and customs.

What are the most powerful questions you need to ask right now?

How do we plan for our community's future right now? What is our best strategy to begin with? How do we ensure a successful start for the generations to come? What lengths are we willing to go?

If we all worked together, what do you imagine that we could achieve in the next five to ten years?

Self-sustaining organizations within Nisga'a lands, in partnership with external entities, that create not just jobs but careers and meaningful employment opportunities for our people.