

BPK Research Mentorship Program

Have you ever considered volunteering or doing a project in a research lab?  If you think you’d like to pursue a graduate degree or a career in research, then getting yourself into a lab is the first step. A graduate degree is a 2-5 year commitment so its better to find out if you even enjoy research first!  

This mentorship program matches you with a BPK graduate student mentor who can help introduce you to research and the graduate program. You will be matched with a mentor whose research is of interest to you, and you can see some of the inner workings of life in the lab. Your mentor can also help you network with other graduate students and professors if you want to find a position as a volunteer, directed studies or honours student, or even a future grad student.  

Read more information about the program .

We have closed the applications for Spring 2015. If you would like to sign up for the program, stay tuned for next semester's application period! We will update this page and post notices on the monitors in the BPK hallway (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby Campus) as well as the BPK Pulse Newsletter.