

Danny Jun

Major: BSc, Kin

Credentials: Active health and rehab



Danny has had 8 years of experience in the industry as a personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and Kinesiologist.

Danny has worked with clients from many different backgrounds, including: professional athletes, military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters, youth athletes, and clients living with chronic pain and disease.

Danny currently works as the head strength and conditioning coach at Mulgrave School, overseeing the varsity strength and conditioning program as well as the fitness units of upper school physical education. Day to day, Danny helps youth athletes return to play from injury, improve sport performance, and develop physical literacy.


1) What is your current position? What does a typical work day look like for you?   

I currently works as the head strength and conditioning coach at Mulgrave School, overseeing the varsity strength and conditioning program as well as the fitness units of upper school physical education. Day to day, I help youth athletes return to play from injury, improve sport performance, and develop physical literacy.

2) How did your education in BPK influence your career?

My education in BPK allowed me to have an evidence based approach to my practice to bring out the best results in my clients. It also helped me make connections with like-minded individuals and mentors, who pushed me beyond my comfort zone to reach my potential in my career.

3) Who in BPK had an impact on you and why?

Dr. Dave Clarke has had a tremendous impact on me personally and professionally. His drive for excellence in what he does inspired me many times to reach for my best. Not only did I learn evidence based practice from Dr.Clarke, but I took away countless life lessons that I still live by to this day. I consider Dr.Clarke a role model and a good friend.

Carmen Bott has had a tremendous impact on my career. Carmen has taught me many lessons in and outside of the class room, such as acting with integrity, practicing professionalism and building character. I am very grateful to have had the privilege of learning from a world class S&C coach.

4) What is your favourite memory of your time at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as an undergraduate?

Completing and presenting my self directed studies investigating behavioural interventions to increase exercise adherence.

5) What advice would you give to today’s BPK student? 

Just try things. I never thought I would end up where I am today, but it only happened because I tried over and over again. I’ve worked in 7 different jobs in my career as a S&C coach to get to where I am today. Even if it seems out of reach, relentlessly trying things with your best foot forward will eventually get you somewhere.