
Presidential Reappointment Review Committee Membership

We are pleased to share the membership of the re-appointment review committee that will review all feedback gathered during the consultation period on President Johnson’s work to date and make a recommendation to the Board of Governors regarding reappointment. 

The review committee was established in accordance with Policy B10.06 and includes representatives from the Board of Governors, faculty, deans, administration, staff and students.

Membership of the Presidential Reappointment Review Committee

Members Representation
Angie Lamarsh Chair of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Board and of the Committee
Tracy Farrell MacRae  Graduate student member of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Board appointed by Chair of the Committee
Tamara Vrooman Board member appointed by Chair of the Committee
Angela George Board member appointed by Chair of the Committee
Tracey Brennand Faculty Senator elected by Senate
Gordon Myers Faculty Senator elected by Senate
Carman Neustaedter Dean selected by the Deans
Martin Pochurko Vice-President selected by Vice-Presidents and Associate Vice-Presidents
Michael Sjoerdsma Employee selected by Employees' Council
Moksha Moksha Undergraduate student elected by Senate